Deep learning projects
This page is intended as a tutorial for students in
my research group
to begin understanding deep learning. It contains a series of simulated
problems that help demonstrate concepts. It links to tutorials from
some other sites to provide real world examples. Finally, it ends with
links to our data sets and problems my group is currently researching.
Software options and installation
There are
many software packages
that can be used to implement
neural networks (NNs) for deep learning.
compares the most popular as of 2019.
We use TensorFlow.
To install it on your computer, follow these
which includes the step of installing
Be careful about versions.
Python, pip and TensorFlow are being updated often.
You will probably not want to run the very latest because they may
not be compatible with each other. If you run into this problem,
back up a few versions.
The Clemson CCIT group offers a series of
training classes
on python programming, big data, and machine learning.
They also operate the
Palmetto high performance
computing cluster. Students can
request an account
on this platform to speed up computations or run them remotely.
The strength of deep learning is that it can be applied to complex
classification problems, such as recognizing pictures of different
types of animals (e.g. dogs vs cats).
However, starting to study deep learning by working on these problems
can be overwhelming.
The purpose of these simulations is to enable students to study
deep learning concepts on simple problems.
Each problem has a specific known feature or challenge so that we can
see how deep learning is identifying that feature.
Classifies 1D data that either trends downward (class 0) or upward (class 1).
C code that generates random samples.
Python code that uses TensorFlow to classify
the samples.
More python code that reads the TensorFlow model
(generated by the previous python code) from a file and uses it to perform
Lessons learned in this example include:
- How to normalize data. Note the original units are in the range 400...600.
It needs to be in the range 0...1 for the gradient descent to work correctly.
Try commenting out the normalization to see that the NN cannot learn
the patterns.
- What can be done with a dense NN layer. It connects every input datum
to every neuron. This example is essentially learning to template match.
- Understand the weight values learned in the NN. In this case, they
range from positive through zero to negative for the downward slope class,
and the opposite for the upward slope class. In effect the NN learned
a template of downward vs upward slopes. Try running more
iterations (1,000) to see how the patterns continue to become more clear
in the learned weights.
- How to save a classifier model (training can take a long time) and
then load it later for future classifications.
Classifies 1D data that resembles up-and-down trail hiking.
Both classes have random periods of flat, up and down.
Class 0 has shorter periods of flat after up, class 1 has longer periods
of flat after up.
The basic idea is that the classifier needs to use a convolutional layer
to learn that the important feature is the length of a flat following an up.
C code that generates random samples.
Python code that uses TensorFlow to classify
the samples.
Lessons learned in this example include:
- What can be done with a convolutional layer. It slides a window
across all the data in a sample and learns local patterns. Compare this with
a dense layer which learns global patterns.
Try a dense layer to see that it cannot learn to classify this data.
- Parameters of a convolutional layer. The window needs
to be long enough to capture the feature of interest. The number of
patterns learned needs to be large enough so that the important one(s)
are learned (e.g. it might learn patterns associated with just flat, just
down, just up, and combinations of these).
Experiment with changing the window size and number of features learned
to see how this affects classification accuracy.
Classifies 2D data captured from multiple sensors (resembles IMU data).
Both classes have random periods of flat, up and down.
For class 0, directional changes of the sensors are random and unrelated.
For class 1, directional changes are correlated; if one sensor is going up
then all six sensors will go up for the same period of time.
The basic idea is that the classifier needs to use a 2D convolutional layer
to learn that the important feature is the correlation of signal directions.
C code that generates random samples.
Python code that uses TensorFlow to classify
the samples.
Lessons learned in this example include:
- What can be done with a 2D convolutional layer. It slides a window
across multiple sensors of data to learn local patterns. Commonly used
in image recognition but also applicable to IMU data. It should be noted
that for image recognition, the convolutional layer is typically square,
while for IMU data, the sensor dimension of the layer is typically much
smaller than the time dimension.
Try a 1D convolutional layer to see that it cannot learn to classify this data.
- Parameters of a 2D convolutional layer. As with the previous example,
the window needs
to be long enough to capture the feature of interest. The number of
patterns learned needs to be large enough so that the important one(s)
are learned.
Experiment with changing the window size and number of features learned
to see how this affects classification accuracy.
Classifies 1D data that has a continuous class label
instead of having a small number (e.g. 2) of discrete classes (e.g. up
or down).
In this example the data for each sample is a line (with noise) and the class
is the slope of the line.
The basic idea is that the classifier needs to learn a continuous
function rather than a discrete set of class labels.
C code that generates random samples.
Python code that uses TensorFlow to classify
the samples.
Lessons learned in this example include:
- How to frame a problem that has a continuous classification label.
The loss function needs to be changed. Read about different loss functions
and try some.
- How to normalize data for this type of problem. Previous problems
normalized each sample independently. This problem requires global
normalization so that the feature differences between samples are not
Experiment with changing the normalization to see
how this affects classification accuracy.
Training on huge data sets
If a data set is too large to load into memory all at once then we can use
batches to train on it incrementally.
Each subset of the data is called a batch.
The batch size can be tuned to balance against the
number of epochs needed for training.
Batch training is programmed using python generators.
The following python code examples serve as a tutorial to introduce generators
and how to use them for batch training.
Python code of a generator for the Fibonacci sequence.
Python code for a generator that incrementally loads
a subset of data from a single file.
It uses simslope.txt as the data file.
Python code for a generator that loads folds of
data that are stored in separate files (incrementing through the filenames).
It uses four data files:
Python code for a generator that preprocesses
data and returns a class label with each sample. It uses the 4 data files
from the previous example.
Python/TF code that trains using a generator.
It uses all four folds of data during training.
Python/TF code that trains using two generators,
one for training data and one for validation data.
It uses folds 1-3 for training and fold 4 for validation.
Using a TensorFlow classifier in a C program
All TensorFlow models are trained in Python programs, but sometimes we
want to deploy the classifier for use in a program in another language.
In my group we write a lot of C programs.
This section demonstrates how to use a TensorFlow model (classifier) in
a C program.
First it is important to have some understanding of how a classifier is
saved to a file. There are 3 important pieces: the graph, weights,
and gradients. The graph defines the nodes and connections in the
neural network. The weights are the values at the nodes used to make
calculations. The gradients are used during training to continually
update the weights. There are two ways to save a model:
save everything so that training can be resumed, or ``freeze'' the
model (omitting the gradients) so that the model can be used for
classification but cannot continue training.
There are a huge variety of file formats used in machine learning.
For our purposes, we will use the H5 file format to store a complete model,
and the PB file format to store a frozen model.
Note that as of 2020 TensorFlow v2 has created a
TF file format
that tries to do both; it uses a folder to contain the basic PB file
along with secondary files containing the checkpoint data (gradients)
necessary to resume training.
Each of those programs contains further info in the comments as well
as links to other sites that explain more of the concepts.
Tutorials from other sources
A set of tutorial problems
from the TensorFlow group.
Click here to download the code for the classic
MNIST problem which involves classifying images of the digits 0-9.
The code downloads the data set for you.
A blog
by Nils Ackermann showing how to use deep learning to recognize
human activities (e.g. walking, climbing stairs) from IMU data.
A second blog
by the same author extending the approach.
Click here to download the code (excludes all
visualization steps, just does classification).
You will need to download the
WISDM data set.
Our data sets
In a set of projects we are using deep learning to study classification
of datasets our group has collected over the years:
data set. Contains 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope data
from devices worn on the wrist, hip and foot, while subjects walked.
Classification problems include counting steps and determining gait type.
data set. Contains 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope data
from a device worn on the wrist, while subjects ate a meal.
Classification problems include detecting intake gestures (bites)
and classifying eating-related gestures (utensiling, drink, bite).
data set. Contains images of washing machine parts during manufacturing
and assembly.
Classification problems include detecting when parts are
not correctly installed.
Note this data set is currently private to my research group.
data set. Contains 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer data
from a device worn on the wrist, while subjects were free-living all day.
Classification problems include detecting periods of time when
subjects were eating.
Note this data set is currently private to my research group.
Helpful study sites
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