Class RVLS.anova
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Class RVLS.anova


public class anova
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o RVLS.anova()
Computes one-way ANOVA statistics: SST, SSB, MSB, SSE, MSE, F, and omega squared.

Method Index

 o computeRangeTest(int, int)
 o getF()
 o contrast(double[])
Returns t test for contrast
 o getMse()
 o getSst()
 o getSsb()
 o getDfd()
 o getOmegaSquared()
 o getMeans()
 o setData(double[][], int, int)
specifies the data
 o getSse()
 o getMsb()
 o setData(double[][], int[], int)
specifies the data
 o setData(double[][])
specifies the data
 o getDfn()


 o anova
  public anova()
Computes one-way ANOVA statistics: SST, SSB, MSB, SSE, MSE, F, and omega squared.


 o getF
  public double getF()
 o computeRangeTest
  public double computeRangeTest(int i,
                                 int j)
 o getMse
  public double getMse()
 o contrast
  public double contrast(double[] c)
Returns t test for contrast
c - vector of contrast coefficients
 o getSst
  public double getSst()
 o getSsb
  public double getSsb()
 o getDfd
  public int getDfd()
 o getMeans
  public double[][] getMeans()
 o getOmegaSquared
  public double getOmegaSquared()
 o setData
  public void setData(double[][] X,
                      int _n,
                      int k)
specifies the data
X - Each row is the data for one group; X[0] is data for first group.
_n - Number of subjects in each group (assumes equal n)
k - Number of groups
 o getSse
  public double getSse()
 o getMsb
  public double getMsb()
 o setData
  public void setData(double[][] X,
                      int[] n,
                      int k)
specifies the data
X - Each row is the data for one group; X[0] is data for first group.
n[] - Number of subjects per group
k - Number of groups
 o setData
  public void setData(double[][] X)
specifies the data
X - Each row is the data for one group; X[0] is data for first group.
 o getDfn
  public int getDfn()

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