Class RVLS.boxPlot
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Class RVLS.boxPlot


public class boxPlot
extends Canvas
Creates a canvas displaying a boxplot

Constructor Index

 o RVLS.boxPlot()

Method Index

 o setDrawWhisker(boolean)
Indicates whether to draw whiskers
 o getgMin()
 o getP50()
 o setmin(double)
 o setDrawBox(boolean)
 o setMeanSemColor(Color)
Sets color for the sem line be?
 o setName(String)
labels the boxplot
 o setSd(double)
 o setMean(double)
 o getgMax()
 o setData(double, double, double[])
Specifies all attributes for boxPlot. Use this version of the contructor when using raw data
 o setBounds(int, int, int, int)
 o getDrawFarOut()
 o setP50(double)
 o setmax(double)
 o getDrawWhisker()
 o paint(Graphics)
 o getDrawOut()
 o getSem()
 o setOutside(double[])
 o setvm(int)
 o getP75()
 o getP25()
 o getDesc()
 o setPlusColor(Color)
Sets color for the mean
 o setDspSem(boolean)
Should the standard error be displayed?
 o setSem(double)
 o setgMin(double)
 o sethorMarg(int)
 o setFarOut(double[])
 o setDrawMedian(boolean)
Indicates whether to display the median
 o getName()
 o setP75(double)
 o setP25(double)
 o setDspSd(boolean)
Should the standard deviation be displayed?
 o setData(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[], double[])
Specifies all attributes for boxPlot. Use this version of the contructor when all statistics are computed
 o getSd()
 o setgMax(double)
 o setMeanPlus(boolean)
Should the mean be displayed?
 o setBoxColor(Color)
Sets color for the box
 o setDrawFarOut(boolean)
Indicates whether to display far out values
 o getMean()
 o setDrawOut(boolean)
Indicates whether to display outside values


 o boxPlot
  public boxPlot()


 o setDrawWhisker
  public void setDrawWhisker(boolean drawWhisker)
Indicates whether to draw whiskers
 o getgMin
  public double getgMin()
 o getP50
  public double getP50()
 o setmin
  public void setmin(double min)
 o setDrawBox
  public void setDrawBox(boolean drawBox)
 o setMeanSemColor
  public void setMeanSemColor(Color meanSemColor)
Sets color for the sem line be?
 o setName
  public void setName(String name)
labels the boxplot
setName in class Component
 o setSd
  public void setSd(double sd)
 o setMean
  public void setMean(double mean)
 o getgMax
  public double getgMax()
 o setData
  public void setData(double gMin,
                      double gMax,
                      double[] x)
Specifies all attributes for boxPlot. Use this version of the contructor when using raw data
gMin - minimum pixel value of display
gMax - maximum pixel value of display
x - [] the raw data
 o getDrawFarOut
  public boolean getDrawFarOut()
 o setBounds
  public void setBounds(int a,
                        int b,
                        int x,
                        int y)
setBounds in class Component
 o setP50
  public void setP50(double p50)
 o setmax
  public void setmax(double max)
 o getDrawWhisker
  public boolean getDrawWhisker()
 o getDrawOut
  public boolean getDrawOut()
 o paint
  public void paint(Graphics g)
paint in class Canvas
 o getSem
  public double getSem()
 o setOutside
  public void setOutside(double[] outside)
 o setvm
  public void setvm(int vm)
 o getP75
  public double getP75()
 o getP25
  public double getP25()
 o getDesc
  public RVLS.desc getDesc()
 o setPlusColor
  public void setPlusColor(Color plusColor)
Sets color for the mean
 o setDspSem
  public void setDspSem(boolean dspSem)
Should the standard error be displayed?
 o setSem
  public void setSem(double sem)
 o setgMin
  public void setgMin(double gMin)
 o sethorMarg
  public void sethorMarg(int horMarg)
 o setFarOut
  public void setFarOut(double[] farOut)
 o getName
  public java.lang.String getName()
getName in class Component
 o setDrawMedian
  public void setDrawMedian(boolean drawMedian)
Indicates whether to display the median
 o setP75
  public void setP75(double p75)
 o setP25
  public void setP25(double p25)
 o setDspSd
  public void setDspSd(boolean dspSd)
Should the standard deviation be displayed?
 o setData
  public void setData(double gMin,
                      double gMax,
                      double min,
                      double p25,
                      double p50,
                      double p75,
                      double max,
                      double mean,
                      double sem,
                      double sd,
                      double[] outside,
                      double[] farOut)
Specifies all attributes for boxPlot. Use this version of the contructor when all statistics are computed
gMin - minimum pixel value of display
gMax - maximum pixel value of display
min - minimum data value
p25 - 25th percentile
p50 - 50th percentile
p75 - 75th percentile
max - maximum data value
mean - the arithmetic mean
sem - standard error of the mean
sd - the standard deviation
outside - [] and array of outside values
farOut - [] array of far out values
 o getSd
  public double getSd()
 o setgMax
  public void setgMax(double gMax)
 o setMeanPlus
  public void setMeanPlus(boolean meanPlus)
Should the mean be displayed?
 o setBoxColor
  public void setBoxColor(Color boxColor)
Sets color for the box
 o setDrawFarOut
  public void setDrawFarOut(boolean drawFarOut)
Indicates whether to display far out values
 o getMean
  public double getMean()
 o setDrawOut
  public void setDrawOut(boolean drawOut)
Indicates whether to display outside values

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