Class matrixUtil

Class matrixUtil


public class matrixUtil
extends Object
matrixUtil is a class that contains methods which can be used to perform calculations involving matrices.
1.1, 02/27/98
Dr. David Lane, Al Shea

Constructor Index

 o matrixUtil()
Class constructor.

Method Index

 o MMult(double[][], double[][], int, int, int)
 o OneTwo(double[], int)
 o chol(double[], double[], int)
Given a symmetric matrix order n as lower triangle in a[], it calculates an uppper trangle, u[], such that uprime * u = a.
 o syminv(double[], double[], int)
Forms in u[] as lower triangle, a generalized inverse of the positive semi-definite symmetric matrix a[] of order n, which is stored as lower triangle


 o matrixUtil
  public matrixUtil()
Class constructor.


 o MMult
  public static double[][][][] MMult(double[][] X,
                                     double[][] Y,
                                     int L,
                                     int M,
                                     int N)
 o OneTwo
  public static double[][][][] OneTwo(double[] X,
                                      int n)
 o chol
  public static int chol(double[] a,
                         double[] u,
                         int n)
Given a symmetric matrix order n as lower triangle in a[], it calculates an uppper trangle, u[], such that uprime * u = a.
a - an array with (n*(n+1)/2+1) elements, which represent the elements of lower triangle of the symmetric matrix
u - the resultant upper triangle, such that uprime * u = a
n - order of symmetric matrix a
returns ifault=0, if no error
 o syminv
  public static int syminv(double[] a,
                           double[] u,
                           int n)
Forms in u[] as lower triangle, a generalized inverse of the positive semi-definite symmetric matrix a[] of order n, which is stored as lower triangle
a - an array with (n*(n+1)/2+1) elements, which represent the elements of lower triangle of the symmetric matrix
u - the resultant upper triangle, such that uprime * u = a
n - order of symmetric matrix a
returns ier=0, if no error