Geometry for Elementary Education MajorsTwo and three dimensional Geometry including polygons, polyhedra and their properties; congruence, similarity, construction, coordinate plane; standard measurement, area, surface area, volume; transformations, and symmetries will be explored. The content, according to the South Caroline state standards, will be taught with appropriate methodology for teaching K-8. To view the syllabus or other class resources on-line visit the
class resource repository.
My office hours for Fall 2002 are Mondays 2:30-4:00; Wednesdays 9:00-10:00, 2:30-4:00; Fridays 8:30-10:00. I am in the E-1 Calculus help center Tuesdays 3:30-4:30. You are welcome to see me in class or call for an appointment outside of these t imes.
Student Polyhedra ProjectsClick on the polyhedron at the right to look at selected student polyhedra. Student Compass and Straight Edge ConstructionsClick on the design at the right to look at selected student constructions. More Geometry IdeasRelated Web PagesThe following links will lead you to topics that are discussed in MthSc 216: Test 1 Topics
Test 2 Topics
Test 3 Topics
Test 4 Topics
Pages with a Variety of Geometry Topics
Also I have more links listed on General Mathematics and/or Education links
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