Clemson University Connected Vehicle Testbed

The first South Carolina cyber-physical systems testbed for connected vehicles aims to enhance research for the C2M2 partner institutions. This testbed is the continuation of the NSF USIGNITE funded project (US Ignite: Track 1: Enabling Connected Vehicle Applications through Advanced Network Technology (#1531127)). This Clemson University Connected Vehicles Testbed (CU-CVT), located in Clemson, South Carolina, includes heterogeneous wireless communication technologies and data infrastructure for real-time data exchanges, streaming, fusion and archiving. One key feature of the testbed is the layered architecture, which enables reducing data delivery delay for the services provided CU-CVT, and supports reducing bandwidth requirement and data loss rate to accommodate a large number of connected vehicles and run multiple diverse connected vehicle applications at the same time. C2M2 researchers are utilizing the CU-CVT facilities for diverse multimodal transportation systems research. Future research projects will also use CU-CVT facilities for evaluating connected and autonomous vehicle safety, security and operations in a real-world setting.

Clemson Connected Vehicle Testbed