
Li Niu
Ph.D. Graduate
Campbell Graduate Engineering Center
Clemson University
4 Research Drive
Greenville, SC 29607
E-mail: niu@clemson.edu
Phone and Fax
- Tel: (864) 283-7218
- Fax: (864) 283-7208
- Topic: Applications of Imbalance Difference Modeling
- Graduation Date: December 2014
- Advisor: T. H. Hubing
Projects at Clemson
- Modeling for EMC using Imbalance Difference Method
- Safe Integration of Automotive Electronics
- Transient Susceptibility of LED Displays
- Maximum Radiated Emissions Calculator
- BS Automotive Eng., 2009, Tsinghua
University, P.R. China
- Ph.D. Automotive Eng., 2014, Clemson University