Aerospace Electronics PeriodicalsAerospace EngineeringThis magazine includes a significant amount of information related to avionics as well as other aspects of aerospace engineering. It's published 10 times annually and is 1 of 3 publications that members of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) can elect to receive free of charge. It is also available at no charge to qualified non-members. Publisher: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic SystemsTechnical and tutorial articles on topics related to electrical and electronics technology in avionic systems. Published quarterly by the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society of the IEEE. Publisher: IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems MagazineThe IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine is a monthly magazine that publishes articles concerned with the various aspects of systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environments as well as information of interest to IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society members. The magazine is distributed at no charge to members of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society. Publisher: Military & Aerospace Electronics MagazineThe Military & Aerospace Electronics Magazine is a monthly magazine that publishes articles that focus on engineers use of military spec, non-developmental-item, or commercial off-the-shelf equipment and components. The magazine is distributed free of charge and is also available online. Publisher: |