Automotive Electronics BooksThe books listed below cover topics of interest to automotive and vehicular electronics engineers. Books without an active link may be out of print; however many of them can still be obtained through the booksellers listed at the bottom of this page. If you know of a book that should be added to this list, please email us at CVEL-L@clemson.edu and we'll be happy to add it. Advanced Automotive Diagnosis, 2nd ed. Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2009 Automotive Electronics Handbook, 2nd ed. Automotive Informatics and Communicative Systems: Principles in Vehicular Networks and Data Exchange Automotive Computer Controlled Systems: Diagnostic Tools and Techniques Automotive Control Systems: For Engine,
Driveline, and Vehicle (2nd Ed.) Automotive Electricity and Electronics Automotive Electricity and Electronics Today's Technician: Automotive Electricity & Electronics CM/SM Automotive Electrics/Automotive Electronics Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Automotive Sensors Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals Hillier's Fundamentals of Automotive Electronics,Second Edition How to Diagnose And Repair Automotive Electrical Systems Modern Electronic, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, And Design, 2nd ed. RV Electrical Systems: A Basic Guide to Troubleshooting, Repairing and Improvement Vehicular Electric Power Systems: Land, Sea, Air, and Space Vehicles Other Sites for Books Related to Automotive ElectronicsPublishersArtech House A leading publisher of professional-level books in telecommunications, optoelectronics, microwave, antennas, and radar. Pearson Higher Education A premiere educational publisher, selling books, multimedia and learning programs in all major academic disciplines to the primary, secondary, higher education and professional markets throughout the world. IEEE Press The bookshelves of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Develops, publishes, and sells products in print and electronic media for the educational, professional, scientific, technical, and consumer markets worldwide. McGraw Hill One of the larger book publishers, they offer a wide range of science and engineering titles. Springer Publishes books in science and technology, medicine, business and economics, humanities and social sciences, and law. BooksellersAmazon.com A very large web-based bookstore. Advanced Book Exchange Good source for out-of-print books. Barnes and Noble Large selection of books of all types. Bookbyte Rents and sells textbooks. Chegg Rents and sells textbooks. College Book Renter Rents and sells textbooks. eCampus.com Buys, rents and sells textbooks. Powell's Technical Books An independent bookseller based in Portland, Oregon, USA, specializing in technical books. Helpful LinksAddALL Book searching and price comparison. BookFinder.com Book searching and price comparison. Chambal.com Book searching and price comparison. FetchBook.Info Book searching and price comparison. |