EMC PeriodicalsElectromagnetic News Report (ENR)ENR, a bimonthly technical journal, is the oldest commercial publication in the EMC field. Each issue features industry news, software, catalogs; and a calendar of events. A one-year subscription is $90 in North America, $114 overseas. Publisher: To subscribe: ESD JournalAn online magazine catering to the ESD and electrostatics industries. The EMC JournalA free on-line publication with a focus on topics of interest to EMC engineers. Publisher: Telephone: +44 (0) 1208 851 530 Email: nutwooduk@nutwood.eu.com Evaluation Engineering MagazineEE Magazine offers monthly EMC editorial coverage and an annual EMI/RFI Buyers' Guide published every July. Articles cover shielding applications, EMC test equipment, antennas, software, testing labs, suppression components, gaskets & seals, shielded enclosures, and a range of practical information for the engineer dealing with EMC issues. Publisher: IN Compliance MagazineA successor to Conformity Magazine launched in August 2009, IN Compliance bills itself as "The compliance information resource for electrical engineers." Publisher: Interference Technology Engineer's Master (ITEM) MagazineNow called Interference Technology, this magazine contains articles and information related to EMC. Articles are varied in content and include technical items, historical EMC information, and commercial advertising. Distributed at no charge to qualified engineers and managers who are engaged in the application, selection, design, test, specification or procurement of electronic components, systems, materials, equipment, facilities or related fabrication services. Publisher: IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society MagazineEMC technical articles, news and reports of the activities of the IEEE EMC Society. The IEEE EMC Society Magazine is published quarterly by the Electromagnetic Compatibility Society of the IEEE. It is distributed without charge to IEEE EMC Society members and is available on IEEE Xplore. Editor: IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing TechologyTechnical and tutorial articles on topics related to electronics packaging and signal integrity issues. Published monthly by the Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society of the IEEE. Publisher: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic CompatibilityTechnical papers relating to all aspects of electromagnetic compatibility including electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic immunity, grounding, shielding, filtering, EM theory, EM modeling, and EM testing. Publisher: Journal of ElectrostaticsThe Journal of Electrostatics is an academic journal devoted entirely to electrostatics. It's purpose is to disseminate knowledge of static electricity in its fundamental aspects, in its useful applications, and in its hazardous nature. Editor: |