Functions in alloc.c

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CMPLX_Matrix( )

Prototype:    complex **    CMPLX_Matrix( int row, int column)
Description:     To allocate a matrix of complex type
Input value:
  • int row --- row number of the matrix
  • int col  --- column number of the matrix
Return value:     pointer to the matrix

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CMPLX_Vector( )

Prototype:    complex *CMPLX_Vector( int nh )
Description:    To allocate a vector of complex type.
Input value:
  • int nh --- length of the vector
Return value:     a pointer to the vector
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double_Matrix( )

Prototype:    double **    double_Matrix(int row, int col)
Description:     To allocate a  matrix of double type.
Input value:
  • int row --- the row number of the matrix
  • int col ---  column number of the matrix
Return value:     a pointer to the matrix
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double_Matrix2( )

Prototype:    double ***    double_Matrix2( int row, int column, int width)
Description:     To allocate a three-dimension array of double type.
Input value:
  • int row --- row number of the matrix
  • int col --- column number of the matrix
  • int width --- width of the matrix
Return value:  a pointer to the three-dimension array

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double_Vector( )

Prototype:    double *double_Vector(int nh)
Description:    To allocate a vector of double type.
Input value:
  • int nh --- length of the vector
Return value:    a pointer to the vector

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INT_Matrix( )

Prototype:    int **    INT_Matrix( int row, int col)
Description:     To allocates a matrix of  integer type
Input value:
  • int row --- row number of the matrix
  • int col --- column number of the matrix
Return value:     a pointer to the matrix
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INT_Matrix2( )

Prototype:    int ***    INT_Matrix2( int row, int column, int width)
Description:     To allocate a three dimension array of double type.
Input value:
  • int row ---  row number of the matrix
  • int col ---    column number of the matrix
  • int width --- width of the matrix
Return value:    pointer to the three dimensional matrix

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INT_Vector( )

Prototype:    int *  INT_Vector( int nh)
Description:     To allocate a vector of  integer type.
Input value:
  • int nh --- length  of the vector
Return value:     pointer to the vector

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free_CMPLX_Matrix( )

Prototype:    void free_CMPLX_Matrix( complex **m, int row, int column)
Description:     To free a  matrix of  complex type.
Input value:
  • complex ** m --- pointer to a matrix of complex type.
  • int row --- row number of the matrix
  • int column --- column number of the matrix
Return value:     none

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free_CMPLX_Vector( )

Prototype:    void    free_CMPLX_Vector( complex *v, int nh)
Description:     To free a vector of complex type
Input value:
  • complex * v --- pointer to a vector of complex type
  • int nh --- length of the vector
Return value:     none

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free_double_Matrix( )

Prototype:    void    free_double_Matrix( double **m, int row, int column)
Description:     To free a matrix of double type.
Input value:
  • double ** m --- pointer to a matrix of double type.
  • int row --- row number of the matrix
  • int column --- column number of the matrix
Return value:     none

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free_double_Vector( )

Prototype:    void    free_double_Vector(double *v, int nh)
Description:     To free a vector of  double type.
Input value:
  • double * v --- pointer to a vector of double type
  • int nh --- length of the vector
Return value:     none

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free_INT_Matrix( )

Prototype:    void    free_INT_Matrix( int **m, int row, int column)
Description:     To free a matrix of integer type.
Input value:
  • int ** m --- pointer to a matrix of integer type.
  • int row ---  row number of the matrix
  • int column --- column number of the matrix
Return value:     none

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free_INT_Vector( )

Prototype:    void    free_INT_Vector( int *v, int nh)
Description:     To free a vector of integer type.
Input value:
  • int * v --- pointer to a vector of integer type
  • int nh --- length of the vector
Return value:     none

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Null_double_Matrix( )

Prototype:    void    Null_double_Matrix(  *Vec, int LenX, int LenY)
Description:     To initialize  a matrix of double type to zero.
Input value:
  • int * Vec --- pointer to a matrix of double type
  • int LenX --- row length
  • int LenY --- column length
Return value:     none

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Null_double_Vector( )

Prototype:    void    Null_RealVector( int *Vec, int LenX)
Description:     To initialize  a vector of double type to zero.
Input value:
  • int * Vec --- pointer to a vector of float type
  • int LenX --- length of the vector
Return value:     none

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Null_INTMatrix( )

Prototype:    void    Null_INTMatrix( int *Vec, int LenX, int LenY)
Description:     To initialize a matrix of integer type to zero.
Input value:
  • int * Vec --- pointer to a matrix of integer type
  • int LenX --- row length
  • int LenY --- column length
Return value:     none

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Null_INTVector( )

Prototype:    void    Null_INTVector( int *Vec, int LenX)
Description:     To initialize  a vector of integer type to zero.
Input value:
  • int * Vec --- pointer to a vector of integer type
  • int LenX --- length of the vector
Return value:     none

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