Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society JournalTechnical papers relating to computational electromagnetics. The technical activities promoted by this publication include code validation, performance analysis, and input/output standardization; code or technique optimization and error minimization; innovations in solution technique or in data input/output; identification of new applications for electromagnetics modeling codes and techniques; integration of computational electromagnetics techniques with new computer architectures; and correlation of computational parameters with physical mechanisms. Distributed without charge to members of the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society NewsletterNews, technical articles, book reviews, and announcements relating to computational electromagnetics. Includes reports of the activities of the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES). Published three times annually (in March, July, and November). Distributed at no charge to members of the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society. IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society MagazineTechnical and tutorial articles on Antennas, Electromagnetic theory, numerical electromagnetic modeling, and other topics of general interest to electromagnetics engineers. Also reports the activities of the IEEE APS Society. The IEEE APS Magazine is published monthly by the Antennas and Propagation Society of the IEEE. It is distributed without charge to IEEE APS society members. EMC MagazineTechnical and tutorial articles related to electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic modeling, and other topics of general interest to electromagnetics engineers. Also reports the activities of the IEEE EMC Society. The IEEE APS Magazine is published quarterly by the IEEE EMC Socity. It is distributed without charge to IEEE EMC society members. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic CompatibilityTechnical papers relating to all aspects of electromagnetic compatibility including electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic immunity, grounding, shielding, filtering, EM theory, EM modeling, and EM testing. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and PropagationTechnical papers relating to all aspects of antenna design, electromagnetic wave propagation, electromagnetic theory, and electromagnetic modeling. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and TechniquesTechnical papers relating to all aspects of
microwave theory, microwave circuit design,
electromagnetic theory and electromagnetic
modeling. Journal of ElectrostaticsThe Journal of Electrostatics is an academic journal devoted entirely to electrostatics. It's purpose is to disseminate knowledge of static electricity in its fundamental aspects, in its useful applications, and in its hazardous nature.