Modeling a Center-Driven Dipole with CST

Geometry and setup

Geometry: L= 1 m, a = 0.5 mm
Model parameters:
  • Frequency: 50 MHz ~ 400 MHz
  • Steady state accuracy limit: -60 dB
Mesh definition:
  • Mesh type: Hexahedral
  • Mesh density control: Lines per wavelength = 30, Others = Default
  • Special mesh properties:
    Refine at PEC/lossy metal edges by factor = 6, Others = Default
  • Automesh
Excitation: Discrete port (1 W, 50 ohms)

download input geometry

Simulation result

Simulation time: 12 secs
Number of mesh cells: 3600
Excitation duration: 2.031171e+001 ns
Calculation time for excitation: 4 secs
Number of calculated pulse widths: 3.49899
Simulated number of time steps: 8988
Maximum number of time steps: 51374

Decisions the user must make that affect the accuracy of the result

  • Mesh density control: the minimum Lines per wavelength is 30.
  • Special mesh properties: 6 or greater value is needed for 'Refine at PEC/lossy metal edges by factor' to obtain higher accuracy.


  • Adding the source requires a gap between the two wires. What is the source gap length?

    In this model, the interval between two antenna parts is 1 mm.
  • What if we model the dipole as a flat ribbon?

    Substituting a 2-mm flat ribbon for a 0.5-mm radius round wire is not allowed in this model.

Screen shots

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Simulation Model
Fig. 1. Simulation model
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Simulation Meshes
Fig. 2. Simulation meshes
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Input impedance plot
Fig. 3. Input impedance
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input impedance at first resonant frequency
Fig. 4. Input impedance at the first resonant frequency