The Time-Domain Method of MomentsMost moment method codes solve integral equations in the
frequency domain, but it is also possible to use the method of moments to solve
time-domain integral equations [1-30]. Consider a perfect electric conductor
in free space excited by an incident field
Note that in the principal value, we essentially exclude
the part where the source and observation points are the same (i.e. R=0). Since Like the method of moments in the frequency domain, the
MoM-TD method discretizes the scatterers or targets into segments or patches. The
time axis is then divided into equal increments or time steps. The triangular
patches and vector basis functions proposed by Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) [31] are
commonly used to discretize the current in space and time by expanding the
where the temporal basis functions are generally
versions of the same function shifted by a certain number of time steps,
To determine the expansion coefficients
The vector [V] contains the known incident field quantities and the terms of the Z-matrix are functions of the geometry. The unknown coefficients of the induced current are the terms of the [I] vector. These values are obtained by solving the system of equations iteratively. For example, Andriulli [28] proposed an explicit iterative scheme,
where The TDIEs have applications and limitations similar to their frequency domain counterparts. The EFIE is suitable for closed and open bodies, while the MFIE is only suitable for smooth, closed bodies. MoM-TD techniques are not very effective when applied to arbitrary configurations with complex geometries or inhomogeneous dielectrics. They also are not well-suited for analyzing the interior of conductive enclosures or thin plates with wire attachments on both sides. However, the time domain MoM is especially well suited for dealing with fast transient electromagnetic fields incident on or radiated from structures in free space. References[1] S. M. Rao, T. K. Sarkar, and S. A. Dianat, "A novel technique to the solution of transient electromagnetic scattering from thin wires," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 34, pp. 630-634, May 1986. [2] A. R. Bretones, R. G. Martin, and A. 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