Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

At Clemson

50. Bowman, C.; Best Lazar, K.; Carraway, E.; Ladner, D.A.; Whitmire, S. “Fluvial Concentrations of Microplastics in a Suburban Micro-Watershed: Sampling Methodology and Analysis.” Environmental Engineering Science 2024, in press.

49. Alayande, A.B.; Qi, W., Karthikeyan, R.; Popat, S.C.; Ladner, D.A.; Amy, G. “Use of reclaimed municipal wastewater in agriculture: Comparison of present practice versus an emerging paradigm of anaerobic membrane bioreactor treatment coupled with hydroponic controlled environment agriculture.” Water Research 2024, 265, 122197. or 50-days free access.

48. Hadiuzzaman, M.; Mirza, N.; Brown, S.P.; Ladner, D.A.; Salehi, M. “Lead (Pb) deposition onto new and biofilm-laden potable water pipes.” Chemosphere 2023, 342, 140135.

47. Qi, W.; Ladner, D.A. “Automated testing apparatus for ceramic membrane filtration of high-strength industrial wastewater.” Journal of Environmental Engineering 2023, 149, 04023063.

46. Hadiuzzaman, M.; Ladner, D.A.; Salehi, M. “Impact of the surface aging of potable water plastic pipes on their lead deposition characteristics.” Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2023, 9, 2501.

45. Zhou, Z.; Ladner, D.A. “Computational modeling of discrete-object feed spacers attached directly onto reverse osmosis membranes for enhanced module packing capacity and improved hydrodynamics.” Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 300, 121727.

44. Xie, A.; Ladner, D.A.; Popat, S.C. “Electrocoagulation-electroflotation for primary treatment of animal rendering wastewater to enable recovery of fats.” Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 431, 133910.

43. Tow, E.W.; Ersan, M.S.; Kum, S.; Lee, T.; Speth, T.F.; Owen, C.; Bellona, C.; Nadagouda, M.N.; Mikelonis, A.M.; Westerhoff, P.; Mysore, C.; Frenkel, V.S.; deSilva, V.; Walker, W.S.; Safulko, A.K.; Ladner, D.A. “Managing and treating per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in membrane concentrates.” AWWA Water Science 2021, 3, e1233. Open access.

42. Ling, B.; Xie, P.; Ladner, D.A.; Battiato, I. “Dynamic modeling of fouling in reverse osmosis membranes.” Membranes 2021, 11, 349. Open access.

41. Abdulhamid, M.A.; Park, S.H.; Zhou, Z.; Ladner, D.A..; Szekely, G. “Surface engineering of intrinsically microporous poly(ether-ether-ketone) membranes: From flat to honeycomb structures.” Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 621, 118997. or download PDF.

40. Xie, P.; Cath, T.Y.; Ladner, D.A. “Mass transport in osmotically driven membrane processes.” Membranes 2021, 11, 29. Open access.

39. Zhou, Z.; Ling, B.; Battiato, I.; Husson, S.M.; Ladner, D.A. “Concentration polarization over reverse osmosis membranes with engineered surface features.” Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 617, 118199. Download PDF or view using DOI.

38. Malakian, A.; Zhou, Z.; Messick, L.; Spitzer, T.N.; Ladner, D.A.; Husson, S.M. “Understanding the role of pattern geometry on nanofiltration threshold Flux.” Membranes 2020, 445. Open access.

37. Idarraga-Mora, J.A.; O’Neal, A.; Pfeiler, M.E.; Ladner, D.A.; Husson, S.M. “Effect of mechanical strain on the transport properties of thin-film composite membranes used in osmotic processes.” Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 615, 118488. Download PDF or view using DOI.

36. do Carmo, J.; Justino, N.M.: Matias, M.S.; Puerari, R.C.; Matias, W.G.; Ladner, D.A.; Vicentini, D.S.; Hassemer, M.E.N. “Membrane adsorption with polyacrylonitrile prepared with superfine powdered activated carbon, case study: separation process applied in water treatment containing diclofenac.” Environmental Technology 2020, 1-11. Download PDF or view using DOI.

35. Clabeaux, R.; Carbajales-Dale, M.; Ladner, D.A.; Walker, T. “Assessing the carbon footprint of a university campus using a life cycle assessment approach.” Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 273, 122600. Download PDF or view using DOI.

34.Partlan, E.; Ren, Y.; Apul, O.G.; Ladner, D.A.; Karanfil, T. “Adsorption kinetics of synthetic organic contaminants onto superfine powdered activated carbon.” Chemosphere 2020, 253, 126628. View using DOI.

33. Xie, P.; Murdoch, L.C.; Ladner, D.A. “Mitigating membrane fouling with sinusoidal spacers.” Desalination and Water Treatment 2019, 168, 56-64. Download PDF or view using DOI.

32. Idarraga-Mora, J.A.; Childress, A.S.; Friedel, P.S.; Ladner, D.A.; Rao, A.; Husson, S. “Role of Nanocomposite Support Stiffness on TFC Membrane Water Permeance.” Membranes 2018, 8, 111. View using DOI.

31. Roehl, E.A.; Ladner, D.A.; Daamen, R.C.; Cook, J.B., Safarik, J.; Phipps, D.W.; Xie, P. “Modeling fouling in a large RO system with artificial neural networks.” Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 552, 95-106. View using DOI.

30. Idarraga-Mora, J.A.; Ladner, D.A.; Husson, S.M. “Thin-film composite membranes on polyester woven mesh with variable opening size for pressure-retarded osmosis.” Journal of Membrane Science 2017, 549, 251-259.

29. Salehi, M.; Rodriguez, R.; Boettcher, A.; Powers, S.; Geitner, N.; Ladner, D.A.; Rikard, S.; Whelton, A.J. “Impact of dispersant on early life stages of the water flea Daphnia magna and the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica.” Journal of Applied Toxicology 2017, 37, 1464-1470.

28. Bai, L.; Li, C.; Korte, C.; Huibers, B.M.J.; Pales, A.R.; Liang, W.; Ladner, D.A.; Daigle, H.; Darnault, C.J.G. “Effects of silica-based nanostructures with raspberry-like morphology and surfactant on the interfacial behavior of light, medium, and heavy crude oils at oil-aqueous interfaces.” Applied Nanoscience 2017, 7, 947–972.

27. Huang, X.; Andry, S.; Yaputri, J.; Kelly, D.; Ladner, D.A.; Whelton, A.J. “Crude oil contamination of plastic and copper drinking water pipes.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 339, 385-394.

26. Huibers, B.M.J.; Pales, A.R.; Bai, L.; Li, Chunyan; Mu, L.; Ladner, D.A.; Daigle, H.; Darnault, C.J.G. “Wettability alteration of sandstones by silica nanoparticle dispersions in light and heavy crude oil.” Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2017, 19, 323.

25. Apul, O.G.; Hoogesteijn von Reitzenstein, N.H.; Schoepf, J.; Ladner, D.A.; Hristovski, K.D.; Westerhoff, P. “Superfine powdered activated carbon incorporated into electrospun polystyrene fibers preserve adsorption capacity.” Science of The Total Environment 2017, 592, 458-464.

24. Johnson, T.A.; Rehak, E.A.; Sahu, S.P.; Ladner, D.L.; Cates, E.L. “Bacteria Inactivation via X-ray-Induced UVC Radioluminescence: Toward in Situ Biofouling Prevention in Membrane Modules.” Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 11912-11921.

23. Ersan, M.S.; Ladner, D.A.; Karanfil, T. “The control of N-nitrosodimethylamine, Halonitromethane, and Trihalomethane precursors by Nanofiltration.” Water Research 2016, 105, 274-281.

22. Amaral, P.; Partlan, E.; Li, M.; Lapolli, F.; Mefford, O.T.; Karanfil, T.; Ladner, D.A. “Superfine powdered activated (S-PAC) coatings on microfiltration membranes: Effects of milling time on contaminant removal and flux.” Water Research 2016, 100, 429-438.

21. Partlan, E.; Davis, K.; Ren, Y.; Apul, O.G.; Mefford, O.T.; Karanfil, T.; Ladner, D.A. “Effect of bead milling on chemical and physical characteristics of activated carbons pulverized to superfine sizes.” Water Research 2016, 89, 161-170.

20. Wang, B.; Geitner, N.K.; Davis, T.P.; Ke, P.C.; Ladner, D.A.; Ding, F. “Deviation From the Unimolecular Micelle Paradigm of PAMAM Dendrimers Induced by Strong Inter-Ligand Interactions.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015, 119, 19475-19484.

19. Ersan, M.S.; Ladner, D.A.; Karanfil, T. “N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Precursors Leach from Nanofiltration Membranes.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2015, 2, 66-69.

18. Geitner, N.K.; Wang, B.; Andorfer, R.; Ladner, D.A.; Ke P.C.; Ding, F. “Structure–Function Relationship of PAMAM Dendrimers as Robust Oil Dispersants.” Environmental Science & Technology2014, 48, 12868-12875.

17. Steele, M.M.; Anctil, A.; Ladner, D.A. “Integrating algaculture into small wastewater treatment plants: Process flow options and life cycle impacts.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 2014, 16, 1387–1399.

16. Xie, P.; Murdoch, L.C.; Ladner, D.A. “Hydrodynamics of sinusoidal spacers for improved reverse osmosis performance.” Journal of Membrance Science 2014, 453, 92-99.

15. Geitner, N.K.; Powell, R.R.; Bruce, T.; Ladner, D.A.; Ke, P.C. “Effects of dendrimer oil dispersants on Dictyostelium discoideum.” RSC Advances 2013, 3, 25930-25936.

14. Ellerie, J.R.; Apul, O.; Karanfil, T.; Ladner, D.A. “Comparing graphene, carbon nanotubes, and superfine powdered activated carbon as adsorptive coating materials for microfiltration membranes.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 261, 91-98.

13. Lewis, D.O.; Ladner, D.A.; Karanfil, T. “Source water and microfiltration plant manganese control study.” Journal American Water Works Association 2013, 105, E480-E495.

12. Ladner, D.A.; Bolyard S.C.; Apul, D.; Whelton, A.J. “Navigating the academic job search for environmental engineers: Guidance for job seekers and mentors.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 2013, 139, 211-217. Open “final draft” here.

11. Smith, M.; Barnard, C.; Ladner, D.A. “Functionalized nanoparticles as removable membrane coatings.” Ch. 11 in Novel Solutions to Water Pollution, S. Ahuja, and K. Hristovski, eds., ACS Symposium Series, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 2013, 1123, 189–203.

10. Geitner, N.K.; Bhattacharya, P.; Steele, M.; Chen, R.; Ladner, D.A.; Ke, P.C. “Understanding dendritic polymer-hydrocarbon interactions for oil dispersion.” RSC Advances 2012, 2, 9371-9375.

9. Bhattacharya, P.; Conroy, N.; Rao, A.M.; Powell, B.A.; Ladner, D.A.; Ke, P.C. “PAMAM dendrimer for mitigating humic foulant.” RSC Advances 2012, 2, 7997-8001.

At Clemson, based on PhD and postdoctoral work

8. Kiser, M.A.; Ladner, D.A.; Hristovski, K.D.; Westerhoff, P. “Nanomaterial transformation and association with fresh and freeze-dried wastewater activated sludge: Implications for testing protocol and environmental fate.” Environmental Science and Technology 2012, 46, 7046–7053.

7. Ladner, D.A.; Steele, M.; Weir, A.; Hristovski, K.; Westerhoff, P. “Functionalized nanoparticle interactions with polymeric membranes.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012, 211-212:288-295.

6. Reed, R.; Ladner, D.; Higgins, C.P.; Westerhoff, P.; Ranville, J. “Solubility of nano-zinc oxide in environmentally and biologically important matrices.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry2012, 31, 93–99.

5. Vardon, D.R.; Clark, M.M.; and Ladner, D.A. “The potential of laser scanning cytometry for early warning of algal blooms in desalination plant feedwater.” Desalination 2011, 277, 193-200.

Prior to Clemson

4. Ladner, D.A.; Vardon, D.R.; Clark, M.M. “Effects of shear on microfiltration and ultrafiltration fouling by marine bloom-forming algae.” Journal of Membrane Science 2010, 356, 33-43.

3. Ba, C.; Ladner, D.A.; Economy, J. “Using polyelectrolyte coatings to improve fouling resistance of a positively charged nanofiltration membrane.” Journal of Membrane Science 2010, 347, 250-259.

2. Ladner, D.A.; Subramani, A.; Kumar, M.; Adham, S.S.; Clark, M.M. “Bench-scale evaluation of seawater desalination by reverse osmosis.” Desalination 2010, 250, 490-499.

1. Ladner, D.A.; Lee, B.W.; Clark, M.M. “Laser scanning cytometry for enumeration of fluorescent microspheres.” Journal American Water Works Association 2007, 99, 110-117.