Team Members

Research Team

Nigel Kaye – Nigel teaches mechanics and fluid mechanics classes in the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering and does research in the area of environmental fluid mechanics and the fluid mechanics of natural hazards. Nigel is the PI on the project and will lead the course development component of the project while learning about engineering education research and contributing to the course assessment planning and analysis.

Lisa Benson – Lisa is a professor in the Department of Engineering and Science Education at Clemson. Her research focuses on the interactions between student motivation and their learning experiences. Her projects include studies of student perceptions, beliefs and attitudes towards becoming engineers and scientists, and their development of problem-solving skills, self-regulated learning practices, and epistemic beliefs. As Editor of the Journal of Engineering Education (2017 – 2022), she established the JEE Mentored Reviewer Program to help scholars new to the engineering education community develop constructive and inclusive reviewing skills. Lisa is Co-PI on this project and will be leading the assessments of student learning, self-efficacy and motivation

Komal Sonavane – Komal is a master’s student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. She’s a graduate research assistant in the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering. Komal focuses on designing the lessons for the statics class and developing real-world-based problems to be solved during the course.

Makayla Headley – Makayla is a second-year PhD student in the Engineering and Science Education department at Clemson University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Her research focuses on ABET accreditation, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), specifically HBCU engineering programs, with a special dedication to improving the experiences of Black students within engineering.

Advisory Board

We are very fortunate to have an excellent advisory board that is a great source of ideas and feedback.

Angela R. Bielefeldt, Ph.D., P.E., University of Colorado Boulder

Shane Brown, Ph.D., P.E. (CA), F. ASCE, Oregon State University

Diana Chen, PhD, University of San Diego

Claire Dancz, Ph.D., M.P.A., Clemson University

Denise R. Simmons, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASEE. , University of Florida