Publications and References


Publications and References

Media Coverage

The solutions we develop in South Carolina will support not only our state but the nation’s economy and continued leadership in the global STEM enterprise.

-Anand Gramopadhye, dean of the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences at Clemson

Follow SC Includes

A team of six traveled to the American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section Conference where three undergraduate research assistants presented findings from SC:INCLUDES in March 2019. The ASEE advances innovation, excellence, and access at all levels of education for the engineering profession.

Alaskan Conference

A team of 10 traveled to the Alaskan Native Science and Engineering Program’s Dissemination Conference in January 2018. The four-day event brings together leaders and educators across the United States to learn the secrets behind one of the most successful education models. ANSEP continues to increase the number of completed STEM degrees.


Presentations and Posters


– Alaskan Native Science and Engineering Program Dissemination Conference Jan. 2018

– Gallagher, E., Brown, D. A., Brown, C., Frady, K. K., Marcanikova, M., Atamturktur, S., … & Gramopadhye, A. K. (2018, June). Board 46: Statewide Coalition: Supporting Underrepresented Populations in Precalculus through Organizational Redesign Toward Engineering Diversity (SC: SUPPORTED) Results from Year One. In 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

– Murphy, J., Hines, A., & Gallagher, E. (2019, March) The Impact of Extra-Familial Relationships on STEM Major Selection. In South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research 31st Annual Conference.

– Brisbane, J., Gallagher, E., Pfirman, A., Patel, K., Murphy, J., & Hines, A. (2019, March). Family and Fictive Family Influences on Engineering Students at Two-Year and Four-Year Institutions. In South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research 31st Annual Conference.

– Gallagher, E., Brown, C., & Frady, K. (2019, March). Predictive Models for Initial College Math Course and Major Selection Based on High School Institutional Factors. In South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research 31st Annual Conference.

– Marcanikova, M. Gallagher, E., Brown, C., Brisbane, J., Brown, A., Dunwoody, L.A., Frady, K., Hines, A., Murphy, J., Patel, K., Pfirman, A., Roberson, S., & Gramopadhye, A. (2019, March). High School Technology as a Non-Predictor of First College Math Course. In 2019 ASEE-SE Annual Meeting.

– Brisbane, J., Gallagher, E., Hines, A., Murphy, J., Dunwoody, L.A., Patel, K., Roberson, S., & Gramopadhye, A. (2019, April). Familial Influences Affecting Student Pathways to Engineering and Two-Year and Four-Year Institutions. In 2019 ASEE Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity.


– Dunwoody, L.A., Murphy, J., & Gallagher, E. (2019, March). The Effects of Workforce Participation on Student Perceptions of Academic Performance. In 2019 ASEE-SE Annual Meeting.

– Brisbane, J., Murphy, J., & Gallagher, E. (2019, March). Factors Affecting Student Pathways to Engineering in South Carolina. In 2019 ASEE-SE Annual Meeting.

– Hines, A., Gallagher, E., Brisbane, J., Dunwoody, L.A., Murphy, J., Pfirman, A., Patel, K., & Gramopadhye, A. (2019, March). An Exploration of the Role of Guidance Counselors on Student Preparedness for STEM Majors in College. In 2019 ASEE-SE Annual Meeting.

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