Interested in a course with tons of interesting guest lecturers teaching Clemson History from a variety of different periods, perspectives and incorporating diverse voices? Enroll in History 1000: Clemson History for fall 2023.

Guest speakers we have lined up so far include Dr. Rhondda Thomas, Dr. David Markus, Jim Barker (former Clemson President), George Bennett (Former director of IPTAY), Dr. Brent Morris, Trent Allen, Tim Bourret and many more.

The class meets once a week on Thursdays from 12:30-1:20. The course is aimed at helping the average Clemson student learn more about the special place they chose to attend. Our hope is that by learning more about Clemson’s History then students will be able to appreciate it more and serve it better. Students will also conduct a research project on an aspect of Clemson History that they are interested in.

This would be a great class for anyone who wants to serve in any leadership capacity in the student body or for anyone that wants to learn more about the place they walk around every day. It is a one hour (1 hour) a week class and will count towards a student’s general electives or for a history credit.

Course information:

History 1000 Section 1: Clemson History

Pickett and Catalano

Thursday 12:30-1:20

CRN# 91352