Under Review

Ajinkya Joglekar, Chinmay Samak, Tanmay Samak, Venkat Krovi, and Umesh Vaidya, Expanding Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation Capabilities through a Multi-Model Parameterized Koopman Framework, Submitted for publication in Journal.

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Joseph Moyalan, Sriram S. K. S Narayanan, and Umesh Vaidya, Control Density Function for Robust Safety and Convergence, Submitted for publication in Journal.

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Umesh Vaidya, When Koopman meets Hamilton and Jacobi, Submitted for Publication in Journal.

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U. Vaidya, Stochastic Stability Analysis of Discrete-time System Using Lyapunov Measure, Submitted for Publication in Journal.

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K. Ebrahimi, N. Elia, and U. Vaidya, Distributed Robust Optimization via Continuous-Time Dynamics, Submitted for publication in Journal.

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U. Bhagyashree and Umesh Vaidya, Spectral Koopman approach for identifying stability boundary, Submitted for Publication in Journal.

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Year 2024

Joseph Moyalan, Sriram S.K.S Narayanan, Andrew Zheng, and Umesh Vaidya, Synthesizing controller for safe navigation using control density function, Submitted for publication in conference.

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Bhagyashree Umathe and Umesh Vaidya, Spectral Koopman Approach for Identifying Stability Boundary, IEEE Control Systems Letters.

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Chinmay Vilas Samak, Tanmay Vilas Samak, Ajinkya Joglekar, Umesh Vaidya, Venkat Krovi, Digital Twins Meet the Koopman Operator: Data-Driven Learning for Robust Autonomy, Submitted for publication in Journal.

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Shankar A. Deka and Umesh Vaidya, Extensions of the Path-integral formula for computation of Koopman eigenfunctions, IEEE Control and Decision Conference.

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B Hou, A. Matavalam, S. Bose, U. Vaidya, Propagating uncertainty through system dynamics in reproducing kernel Hilbert space, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 463, 2024

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Rejitha Raveendran, Arun D. Mahindrakar, and Umesh Vaidya, Dynamical System Approach for Time-Varying Constrained Convex Optimization Problems, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transacations of Automatic Control, 2023.

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Andrew Zheng, and Sriram S.K.S Narayanan, and Umesh Vaidya, Safe navigation using density functions, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

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Alok Kumar, Bhagyashree Umathe, Umesh Vaidya, Atul Kelkar, Safe Operating Limits of Vehicle Dynamics under Parameteric Uncertainty using Koopman Spectrum, ASME Dynamics Systems and Control Letters. (Winner of MECC Best Paper Award)

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Shankar Deka, Sriram Subhramanian, Umesh Vaidya, Path-Integral Formula for Computing Koopman Eigenfunctions, IEEE Control and Decision Conference.

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Ajinkya Joglekar, Sarang Sutavani, Chinmay Samak, Tanmay Samak,Krishna Kosaraju, Jonathon Smereka, David Gorsich, Umesh Vaidya, and Venkat Krovi, Data-Driven Modeling and Experimental Validation of Autonomous Vehicles using Koopman Operator, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

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Joseph Moyalan, Andrew Zheng, Sriram S.K.S Narayanan, Umesh Vaidya, Off-Road Navigation of Legged Robots Using Linear Transfer Operators, Modeling, Estimation, Control Conference, (DSCD Robotics TC Best paper Award)

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Ajinkya Joglekar, Chinmay Samak, Tanmay Samak, Krishna Chaitanya Kosaraju, Venkat Krovi, Umesh Vaidya, Analytical Construction of Koopman EDMD Candidate Functions for Optimal Control of Ackermann-Steered Vehicles, Modeling, Estimation, Control Conference.

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Sarang Sutavani, Andrew Zheng, Ajinkya Joglekar, Jonathon Smereka, David Gorsich, Venkat Krovi, Umesh Vaidya, Artificial neural network based terrain reconstruction for off-road autonomous vehicle using LIDAR.

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Sriram S. K. S. Narayanan , Duvan Tellez-Castro , Sarang Sutavani , Umesh Vaidya, SE(3) Koopman-MPC: Data-driven Learning and Control of Quadrotor UAVs, Modeling, Estimation, Control Conference.

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Boya Hou, Sina Sanjari, Nathan Dahlin, Subhonmesh Bose and Umesh Vaidya, Sparse Learning of Dynamical Systems in RKHS: An Operator-Theoretic Approach, Accepted for publication in International Conference of Machine Learning (ICML).

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Joseph Moyalan, Yongxin Chen, and Umesh Vaidya, Data-Driven Convex Approach for Off-road Navigation via Linear Transfer Operator, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

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Shankar A. Deka, Umesh Vaidya, and Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Navigation in Time-Varying Densities: An Operator Theoretic Approach, European Control Conference, 2023.

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Joseph Moyalan, Hyungjin Choi, Yongxin Chen, and Umesh Vaidya, Data-Driven Optimal Control via Linear Operator Theory: A Convex Approach, Automatica.

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U. Vaidya, and Duvan Tellez, Data-driven Stochastic Optimal Control using linear transfer operators, IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control.

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Sarang Sutavani, Bhagysahree Umathe, and Umesh Vaidya, Small Gain Theorem and L2 Gain Computation in Large using Koopman Spectrum, American Control Conference.

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Moirangthem Sailash Singh, Ramkrishna Pasumarthy, Umesh Vaidya, Steffen Leonhardt, On Quantification and Maximization of InformationTransfer in Network Dynamical Systems, Scientific Report.

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Hongzhe Yu, Joseph Moyalan, Umesh Vaidya, and Yongxin Chen, Data-driven optimal control under safety constraints using sparse Koopman approximation, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).

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Shankar A. Deka, Umesh Vaidya, and Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Navigation in Time-Varying Densities: An Operator Theoretic Approach, European Control Conference.

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