Ajinkya Joglekar, Chinmay Samak, Tanmay Samak, Venkat Krovi, and Umesh Vaidya, Expanding Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation Capabilities through a Multi-Model Parameterized Koopman Framework, Submitted for publication in Journal.
Joseph Moyalan, Sriram S. K. S Narayanan, and Umesh Vaidya, Control Density Function for Robust Safety and Convergence, Submitted for publication in Journal.
Umesh Vaidya, When Koopman meets Hamilton and Jacobi, Submitted for Publication in Journal.
K. Ebrahimi, N. Elia, and U. Vaidya, Distributed Robust Optimization via Continuous-Time Dynamics, Submitted for publication in Journal.
U. Bhagyashree and Umesh Vaidya, Spectral Koopman approach for identifying stability boundary, Submitted for Publication in Journal.
Joseph Moyalan, Sriram S.K.S Narayanan, Andrew Zheng, and Umesh Vaidya, Synthesizing controller for safe navigation using control density function, Submitted for publication in conference.
Sriram S.K.S Narayanan, Andrew Zheng and Umesh Vaidya, Density Function for Safe Navigation of Robotic System in Dynamic Environment, Submitted for publication in conference.
Bhagyashree Umathe and Umesh Vaidya, Spectral Koopman Approach for Identifying Stability Boundary, IEEE Control Systems Letters.
Shankar A. Deka and Umesh Vaidya, Extensions of the Path-integral formula for computation of Koopman eigenfunctions, IEEE Control and Decision Conference.
B Hou, A. Matavalam, S. Bose, U. Vaidya Propagating uncertainty through system dynamics in reproducing kernel Hilbert space, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 463, 2024
Rejitha Raveendran, Arun D. Mahindrakar, and Umesh Vaidya, Dynamical System Approach for Time-Varying Constrained Convex Optimization Problems, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transacations of Automatic Control, 2023.
Ajinkya Joglekar, Sarang Sutavani, Chinmay Samak, Tanmay Samak, Krishna Kosaraju, Jonathon Smereka, David Gorsich, Umesh Vaidya, and Venkat Krovi, Data-Driven Modeling and Experimental Validation of Autonomous Vehicles using Koopman Operator, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
Boya Hou , Amarsagar Reddy Ramapuram Matavalam, Subhonmesh Bose, Umesh Vaidya, Propagation of uncertainty through system dynamics using Reproducing kernel Hilbert space with data, American Control Conference.
Y. Han, W. Hao, and U. Vaidya, Deep Learning of Koopman Representation for Control, Accepted for publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2020.
S. Shaho Alaviani, N. Elia, and U. Vaidya, A Distributed Algorithm for Robust Convex Optimization over Random Networks, American Control Conference, July 2019.
U. Vaidya and S. Sinha, Information-Based Causal Measure for Influnece Characterization in Dynamical System With Applications, Accepeted for publication in American Control Conference, Boston MA, 2016. .
A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, ” Mean Square Synchronization in Continuous Time Stochastic Networks With Dissipitative Nonlinearity , Indian Control Conference.
S. Pushpak, A. Diwadkar, M. Fardad, and U. Vaidya, Vulnerability analysis of coordinated attack in large scale dynamics networks. Australian Control Conference, Canberra Australia.
M. Fardad, A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, ” On sparse link removal for maximum performace degradation in dynamic networks, Proceedings of IEEE CDC, Los Angeles, CA 2014.
A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, ” Synchronization in complex network systems with uncertainty. Proceedings of IEEE CDC, Los Angeles CA, 2014.
U. Vaidya and I. Mezic, ” Existence of invariant tori in three dimensional maps with degeneracy, Physica D, 2012.
U. Vaidya and N. Elia, Stabilization of nonlinear sysems over packet drop links: Scalar Case, Systems and Control Letters, 2012
A. Diwadkar, S. Dasgupta and U. Vaidya, Stabilization of systems in Lure form over uncertain channels, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2012.
C. E. Whitmer, A. G. Kelkar, J. M. Vogel, D. Chaussee, C. Ford, and U. Vaidya, Modeling and characterization of the impact of control surface free- play on fl utter for an all moving surface, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2012.
J. Yan, C.C. Liu, U. Vaidya, PMU-based rotor angle stability monitoring, Proceedings of Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA 2012.
R. Rajaram and U. Vaidya, Robsut stability analysis using Lyapunov den- sity, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, 2012.
S. Dasgupta, M. Paramasivam, U. Vaidya, and A. Venkataramana, PMU-based model-free approach for short term voltage stability monitoring, Proceedings of Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA 2012.
J. Yan, C.C.Liu, adn U. Vaidya, PMU based monitoring of Rotor Angle Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol 26, No. 4, pp. 2125-2133, 2011.
U. Vaidya, R. Rajaram and S. Dasgupta, Gramian based approach for control and actuator placement in linear advection PDE, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2011
A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Synchronization in nonlinear network systems with link failure uncertainty, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2011
R. Rajaram, U. Vaidya, M. Fardad, and B. Ganapathaysubramanian, Al- most Everywhere stability: Linear transfer operator approach, Journal of Mathematical analysis and applications, Vol 368, pp. 144-156, 2010.
A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Performance limitation for multi-agent estimation using limited sensor measurements “, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2010
A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Limitations for nonlinear observation over erasure channel”, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2010
U. Vaidya and E. Nicola, Limitations for nonlinear stabilization over erasure channel”, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2010
U. Vaidya and G. Hagen, Model reduction of dynamcial systems: Tangent space approach”, Processdings of American Control Conference, 2010
U. Vaidya, P.G. Mehta, and U. Shanbhag “Nonlinear stabilization via control Lyapunov measure”, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Vol 55, pp. 1314-1328, 2010.
Jie Yan, Cheng-Ching Liu, Umesh Vaidya, Dynamic security monitoring based on phasor measurement units, Poster session presented at: IEEE PES 2009 General Meeting; 2009 July 26-30; Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
U. Vaidya, B. Ganapathayasubramanian and A. Raghunathan, Transfer operator method for contol of fluid flows, Proceedings of Control and Decision Conference 2009.
U. Vaidya and P. G. Mehta, “Lyapunov measure for almost everywhere stability”, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Vol. 53, No.1, pp 307-323, 2008.
A. Ragunathan and U. Vaidya , “Optimal stabilization using Lyapunov measure”, Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle Washington USA, June 11-13 2008.
G. Hagen and U. Vaidya, “An approach for nonlinear model extraction from time series data”, Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle Washington USA, June 11-13 2008.
U. Vaidya and R. Bhattacharya ” Motion planning using navigation measure”, Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle Washington USA, June 11-13 2008.
U. Vaidya, “Converse theorem for almost everywhere stability using Lyapunov measure”, Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference, New York.
U. Vaidya, P.G. Mehta and U. Shanbag “Nonlinear stabilization via control Lyapunov measure”, Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, December 12-14, 2007.
R. Rajaram, U. Vaidya and M. Fardad, “Connection between almost everywhere stability and advection PDE”, Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, December 12-14, 2007.
U. Vaidya, “Observability gramian for nonlinear systems”, Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, December 12-14, 2007.
G. Mathew, I. Mezic, S. Grivolopoulos, U. Vaidya and L. Petzold, “Optimal control of mixing in stokes fluid flows”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 580, pp 261-281, 2007.
U. Vaidya, “Duality in Stability theory: Lyapunov function and Lyapunov measure”, 44th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing 2006
U. Vaidya and P.G. Mehta, “Computation of Lyapunov measure for almost everywhere stability”, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 13-15, 2006.
P. G. Mehta, U. Vaidya and A. Banaszuk, Markov chains, entropy and fundamental limitations in nonlinear stabilization, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 13-15, 2006.
T. John, I. Mezic, U. Vaidya and M. Lelic, Low order modeling, dynamics and control of an inert gas based fire protection system, Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MI.
T. Alpcan, P. G. Mehta, T. Basar and U. Vaidya , Control of non-equilibrium dynamics in communication networks, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 13-15, 2006.
U. Vaidya, G. Hagen and et.al, “Comparison of systems using diffusion maps”, Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, December 12-15, 2005.
P.G. Mehta and U. Vaidya, “On Stochastic analysis approach for comparing complex systems”, Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, December 12-15, 2005.
U. Vaidya and I. Mezic, “Controllability for a class of area preserving twist maps”, Physica D, Volume 189, Pages 234-246, 2004
U. Vaidya and I. Mezic, “Controllability for a class of discrete time Hamiltonian systems” Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA December 12-15, 2003.
U. Vaidya, D. Alessandro and I. Mezic, “Control of Heisenberg spin systems: Lie algebraic decomposition and action angle variables. ” Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA December 12-15, 2003.
N. Ananthkrishnan, U. Vaidya and V. Walimbe, “Global stability analysis of axial compressor stall and surge phenomena using bifurcation”, Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Volume 217, Number 3, Pages 279-286, 2003.
U. Vaidya and I. Mezic, “Controllability of twist maps”, Proceedings of American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK 2002
U. Vaidya, R. Banavar and N.M. Singh, “Chaotic phenomena in damped power swing equation”, Proceedings of Control and Decision Conference, Phoenix, Arizona 1999