System latency project
In this project we are measuring and modeling the latency of digital
systems from sensing to actuation.
This work is important for all robotic systems and is most recently
motivated by head mounted displays, such as
the Oculus Rift.
A head mounted display (HMD) is a device worn on the head that can
display different images to each eye, providing a virtual 3D display.
Common applications for HMDs include training and gaming, where the
action takes place within a virtual environment. As the user moves
in the virtual environment, the images displayed on the HMD are updated
to show how the world looks from the user's position.
To facilitate this operation, the head of the user is tracked,
detecting the position and orientation, and thus providing the
location within the virtual environment from where the display
images should be generated.
For an HMD we are interersted in the delay between when the
head moves and when the images on the display are updated.
This delay is caused by a series of steps, including sensing the
motion, determining the new position, generating images for the
user from that position, and actually displaying the images.
The delay can cause the user to feel naseaus or unwell, feelings
commonly referred to as "sim sickness".
We seek to model the delay, characterize its distribution, and
perform experiments where we control the delay in order to better
understand its effect on sim sickness.
Previous work has focused on constant latency
as the causal factor of motion sickness.
Our group has found that latency is not constant, but varies over time.
Further, we have found that constant latency is not sickening,
but varying latency is sickening. We have a unique laboratory paradigm
in which we can manipulate the amplitude and frequency effects
of latency and measure human motor performance and motion sickness.
A. Hoover and E. Muth,
NASA EPSCoR South Carolina Space Grant Consortium,
July 2013.
A. Hoover and I. Walker,
Office of Naval Research, 2002-2004.
A. Hoover and I. Walker,
South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, 2000-2001.
A. Hoover and I. Walker,
Staubli Corporation, 2000.
Papers about this project:
M. St Pierre, S. Banerjee, A. Hoover and E. Muth,
"The effects of 0.2 Hz varying latency with 20-100 ms varying amplitude
on simulator sickness in a helmet mounted display",
in Displays, vol 36, pp 1-8, 2015.
A. Hoover,
"Measuring Digital System Latency from Sensing to Actuation
at Continuous 1 ms Resolution",
invited talk at the 2011 VIMS workshop, part of the
HFES annual meeting,
Las Vegas, NV.
W. Wu, Y. Dong and A. Hoover,
"Measuring Digital System Latency from Sensing to Actuation
at Continuous 1 ms Resolution",
in Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments,
MIT Press, vol 22 no 1, pp 20-35, 2013.
K. Waller, A. Hoover and E. Muth,
"Methods for the evaluation of orientation sensors",
in the proceedings of WorldComp 2007.
I. Walker, A. Hoover and Y. Liu,
"Handling unpredicted motion in industrial robot workcells
using sensor networks", in Industrial Robot,
vol. 33 no. 1, 2006, pp. 56-59.
Y. Liu, A. Hoover and I. Walker,
"Handling uncertainty due to the delay between complex sensing
and manipulation in an industrial workcell",
Robotica, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 697-698, Nov. 2006.
Y. Liu, A. Hoover and I. Walker,
"A Timing Model for Vision-Based Control of Industrial
Robot Manipulators", IEEE Transaction on Robotics,
vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 891-898, Oct. 2004.
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