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Structural Acoustics and Vibration Committee of the Acoustical Society of America

Dr. Lonny Thompson has been elected to serve on the Structural Acoustics and Vibration Committee of the Acoustical Society of America. Term to year 2012. The chair of the committee is Dean E. Capone.

Structural Acoustics and Vibration includes the study of motions and interactions of mechanical systems with their environments and the methods of their measurement, analysis, and control. Principal topics considered are: 1. Responses of mechanical systems to dynamic excitations, 2. Instrumentation, including calibration techniques, for measurement and analysis of shock and vibration, 3. Resonances of structures, 4. Damping and internal friction, 5. Isolation of mechanical systems from shock and vibration, 6. Mechanical impedance (mobility), 7. Modal analysis, 8. Simulation of environmental factors, 9. Development and application of analytical techniques, 10. Active control of structural acoustics and vibration.


Lab Director:

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