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Advanced Computational Mechanics Lab Graduate Student Sethuramalingam Subrarayal Selected for ME Faculty Fellows Program

The mechanical engineering department at Clemson has begun a Teaching Fellows program, which is designed to encourage selected Ph.D. students to consider academia as a career. Four outstanding students team with a faculty mentor to learn about the instructional aspects of a faculty members duties. The fellows share classroom responsibilities with their mentor, and participate in shared critiques of teaching style, test preparation, and grading.
"We are very excited about this program"; observed Imtiaz Haque, mechanical engineering department chair. "We believe it will encourage our Ph.D. students to consider a career in education."

Mary Holloway, one of the first four ME Teaching Fellows, commented, "The opportunity to work with a teaching mentor has helped me begin acquiring the skills necessary to be a successful professor, while I am still a student." Holloway has received a Graduate Teaching Fellowship from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a program also designed to introduce outstanding Ph.D. students to the challenges and rewards of teaching.

The ME Teaching Fellows program is the first of its kind in the College of Engineering and Science. Shown here with department chair, Imtiaz Haque (second from right), are Fellows Will York (from left), Scott and Mary Holloway, and Sethuramalingam Subrarayal.


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