Domain Decomposition Methods with Frequency Band Interpolation for Computational Acoustics

Lonny L. Thompson and Limin Zhang and Robert P. Ingel

Advanced Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0921

Proceedings of The 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition}, November 11-16, 2001, New York, New York. Noise Control and Acoustics Division, Symposium on Computational Acoustics,

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 3, IMECE2001/NCA-23532 pp. 1-15.


Interpolation over frequency (wavenumber) bands with domain decomposition (substructure) methods is used to provide fast solutions to wave problems when large numbers of frequency evaluations are required. Dispersion analysis is used to quantify the accuracy of the frequency interpolation for both generalized Schur complement and regularized FETI-H substructuring methods. Wavenumber-frequency dispersion relations are compared with different numbers of condensed internal nodes, numbers of interpolation points, and frequency band size. Several numerical examples are performed which validate the conclusions made in the dispersion analysis.