Parallel Iterative Finite Element Solution Methods For Three-Dimensional Acoustic Scattering

Cristian Ianculescu and Lonny L. Thompson

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0921

Paper IMECE2003-44266, Proc. IMECE'03, 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Washington, D.C., Nov. 15-21, 2003.


Efficient and scalable parallel solution methods are presented for three-dimensional acoustic scattering problems on unbounded domains. A separable boundary is applied at an arbitrary distance from the scatterer, to define a finite computational domain, and thus enable application of the Finite Element Method (FEM). A modified non-reflecting Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) boundary condition is applied along the truncation boundary, in the form of local second-order differential operators, and a harmonic series. For elongated scatterers (e.g. a submarine or ship), suitable finite element formulations are derived and implemented on spheroidal coordinates, reducing the size of computational domain without affecting the accuracy of the numerical solution. The outer-product structure of the DtN boundary operator is exploited to efficiently handle non-locality in an iterative process. Computational performance of the DtN condition is analyzed and shown to be significantly more cost-effective when compared with local boundary conditions producing similar accuracy. The effective use of non-local DtN conditions in a 32-processor parallel distributed memory environment is demonstrated for a three-dimensional submarine scatterer. By exploiting the outer-product structure, it is shown that communication costs due to non-locality depend only on a small number of harmonics in the DtN operator, and thus have little impact on the scalability of the solution on multiple processors.