green luminescence
Interest Focus


The Light Factory consolidates Dr. Luiz Jacobsohn’s laboratories and resources to synthesize, process, and characterize luminescent materials.

Research interests span from fundamental investigation to the technological application of luminescent materials, with particular emphasis on scintillators and luminescent dosimeters. An additional focus includes the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter and radiation damage.

Broader Scope


On a broader scope, the lab is interested in taking advantage of the power of optical and other spectroscopy techniques to establish structure-property relationships. In terms of materials, focus has been placed on inorganic materials of all forms: powders, polycrystalline transparent ceramics, nanoparticles and nanocomposites, thin films, single crystals and glasses.

Laser light


Prof. Luiz Jacobsohn

Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Clemson University

515 Calhoun Dr., Sirrine Hall #161
Clemson, SC 29634, USA


☏ 864-656-5965
📠 864-656-5973