Blepo History
Log of Blepo versions:
- Version 0.6.8 (23 Aug 2011) (22 MB) --
now works with Visual Studio 2010
- Version 0.6.7 (16 Aug 2010) (22 MB) --
upgraded to Visual Studio 2008 and OpenCV 2.1
- Version 0.6.6 (25 Sep 2009) (9 MB) --
upgraded to NASM 2.07 (changed name from nasm.exe to nasmw.exe to maintain consistency with earlier versions of Blepo)
- Version 0.6.5 (28 Aug 2009) (9 MB) --
fixed bug in chamfer; fixed bug in hsv to rgb conversion; fixed bug in chamfer; added fundamental matrix estimation; added Chan-Vese
demo now gives user ability to select image file to run for most algorithms; segmentation routines now return labels and pseudocolors;
added wrapper for optical blow by block matching; added Bgr to Hsv conversion; fixed bug in LinearlyScale; modified Interp function; added InterpRect functions; fixed bug in load jpeg;
- Version 0.6.4 ( 3 Sep 2008) (9 MB) --
added Hough, graph-based color segmentation (Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher), camshift; edit.copy and edit.original size in figure;
removed instrset.obj (replaced with mmx_suported); upgraded to NASM 2.03.01 (changed name from nasm.exe to nasmw.exe to maintain consistency with earlier versions of Blepo);
grab right mouse clicks in figure window; fixed many compiler errors with VS2005
- Version 0.6.3 (31 Jul 2008) (9 MB) --
fixed bug in equivalence table, new version of KLT, various low-level functions, sped up region props
- Version 0.6.2 (24 Aug 2007) (9 MB) --
replaced corrupted DLL files
- Version 0.6.1 ( 9 May 2007) (8 MB) -- now using OpenCV v1.0, various minor changes (added AviFrameReader, bug fix in Canny, faster cross-correlation, affine warp, integral image, wallfollow, Reshape for image and matrix)
- Version 0.6 (16 Nov 2006) (9 MB) -- camera calibration, watershed segmentation, elliptical head tracking, completed many of the image arithmetic and logical operations
- Version 0.5 ( 8 Jul 2006) (8 MB) -- fixed small border bug in mmx_erode and mmx_dilate, updated to version 'OpenCV_b5a.exe', included profile face detection, replaced vector with Array in many places, now almost compiles in VC.Net
- Version 0.4.3 ( 3 Mar 2006) (8 MB) -- fixed bug in connected components, fixed another bug in MMX routines (EBX is now pushed/popped), added split-and-merge, fast stereo matching, regionprops, Canny edge detector, FFT; greatly improved figure window with status bar and menu
- Version 0.4.2 (20 Sep 2005) -- fixed bug in MMX routines (ESI and EDI registers are now pushed/popped)
- Version 0.4.1 (26 Aug 2005) -- removed old .lib files, fixed bug in Interp
- Version 0.4 (24 Aug 2005) -- contains basic image classes, figure class, matrix class,
linear algebra using GSL, image load/save (PGM/PPM/BMP/JPEG), floodfill, logical operations using MMX/SSE2, face detection,
mean shift segmentation, KLT feature tracking, and USB webcam capture using DirectShow;
preliminary versions of convolution and correlation, morphological operations, histogram,
snakes, elliptical head tracker, Efros-Leung texture synthesis, IEEE1394 capture, DT3120 capture.