ECE 847 Digital Image Processing
Fall 2011
This course introduces students to the basic concepts, issues, and algorithms in
digital image processing and computer vision. Topics include image formation,
projective geometry, convolution, Fourier analysis and other transforms,
pixel-based processing, segmentation, texture, detection, stereo, and motion.
The goal is to equip students with the skills and tools needed to manipulate
images, along with an appreciation for the difficulty of the problems. Students
will implement several standard algorithms, evaluate the strengths and weakness
of various approaches, and explore a topic of their own choosing in a course
| Topic
| Assignment
| Pixel-based processing |
HW1: Warm-up, due 9/2 |
| Pixel-based processing |
Quiz #1, 9/9 |
| Filters and edge detection |
HW2: Pixels and regions, due 9/16 |
| Filters and edge detection |
Quiz #2, 9/23 |
| Segmentation |
HW3: Edge detection, due 9/30 |
| Segmentation |
Quiz #3, 10/7 |
| Stereo |
HW4: Segmentation, due 10/14 |
| Stereo |
Quiz #4, 10/21 |
| Motion |
HW5: Stereo matching, due 10/28 |
| Motion |
Quiz #5, 11/4 |
| Image formation |
HW6: Lucas-Kanade tracking, due 11/11 |
| Projective geometry
Quiz #6, 11/18 |
| Projective geometry
| Color |
Quiz #7, 12/9 |
| Color |
projects due |
Readings to complement the lectures:
- Sonka et al., Region-based shape representation and description
- Robyn Owens,
Mathematical morphology (dilation and erosion)
- R. Fisher et al.,
Connected components
- Bill Green,
edge detection tutorial
- Bob Fisher et al.,
Canny edge detector
- Michael Bach, Muller-Lyer
- Various authors,
Split-and-merge segmentation
- Serge Beucher,
Watershed segmentation;
Roerdink and Meijster,
The watershed
transform; Matlab,
watershed tutorial
- Sylvain Bougnoux,
Learning epipolar geometry
- Nikos Paragios,
Level set tutorial; J.
Sethian's level set page
- R.
Wang, various lectures
TIFF specification document (color spaces and JPEG)
AIM-DP (color spaces)
Amara Graps,
Introduction to Wavelets;
Computer vision in the news:
Help organizing your digital photos, CBS News, Feb. 9, 2006 (Riya)
'Silent drowning' pool girl saved by underwater cameras, Times Online, Aug. 31, 2005
- Courtrooms could host virtual crime scenes, New, March 10, 2005
Sportvision virtual first-down markers
Basketball buddies build a computerized shot doctor, USA Today, Feb. 7, 2003
(Noah Basketball)
Automotive applications:
Infiniti advanced lane departure warning system
Infiniti Around View Monitor,
Nissan Around View Monitor, 2007
Chrysler automobile uses CMOS cameras for smart headlights, IEEE Spectrum,
Apr. 2006 (Gentex SmartBeam)
Lexus uses computer vision
for automatic parallel parking, IEEE Spectrum, Apr. 2006 (Intelligent
Parking Assist)
Electronic vision unblocks
the 'blind spot', IEEE Spectrum, Apr. 2006 (Volvo's
Blind-Spot Information System)
Car, park thyself (Toyota's automatic parking feature), CBS News, Jan. 15,
Mobileye EyeQ2
Ford's Lane
Keeping System
- Content-Aware Image Sizing
Fly-Eye Inspired Speed Sensor
Sudoku solver:
Vision in biological systems:
- P. Gurney,
Is our 'inverted' retina really 'bad design'?, Technical Journal,
- C. Wieland, Seeing back
to front, Creation, 1996 (see also
An eye for
creation, Creation, 1996)
- J. Sarfati, Can it bee?,
Creation, 2003 -- honeybees using optic flow for navigation
- Centeye -- obstacle avoidance using optic flow
- C. Stammers,
Trilobite technology, Creation, 1993
- S. M. Gon, The trilobite eye
- J. Sarfati, Lobster eyes: brilliant geometric design, Creation, 2001
- Sight in
British garden birds
- Color vision in
- P. Gurney, Our
eye movements and their control: Part 1, Technical Journal, 2002
- P. Gurney, Our
eye movements and their control: Part 2, Technical Journal, 2003
- C. Wieland, New eyes
for blind cave fish, 2000
- T. Wagner,
Darwin vs.
the eye, Creation, 1994
- D. E. Stoltzmann,
The specified complexity of retinal imagery, CRSQ, 43(1):4-12, June
- Eye Design
Book -- overview of eyes in animal world
- Human visual system:
Computer vision companies:
Additional computer vision
Resources for current students (restricted access,
not open to the public)
In the assignments, you will implement several fundamental algorithms in C/C++,
documenting your findings is an accompanying report for each assignment.
C/C++ is chosen for its fundamental importance, ubiquity,
and efficiency (which is crucial to image processing and computer vision).
For your convenience, you are encouraged to use the latest version of the
Blepo computer vision library.
Your code must compile under Visual Studio 2010 or VC++ 6.0.
You should develop your code in Debug mode but test in Release mode before
submitting. The grader will test in Release mode. To make grading easier, your code should do one of the following:
#include "blepo.h" (In this case it does not matter where your blepo
directory is, because the grader can simply change the directory include
settings (Tools->Options->Directories->Include files) for Visual Studio
to automatically find the header file.)
#include "../blepo/src/blepo.h" (assuming your main file
is directly inside your directory). In other words, your assignment directory
should be at the same level as the blepo directory. Here is an example:

To turn in your assignment, send an email to
(and cc the instructor and grader) with the subject line "ECE847-1,#n"
(without quotes but with the # sign), where 'n' is the assignment number.
You must send this email from your Clemson account, because the assign server is
not smart enough to know who you are if you use another account. E.g.,
do not use If you are using Gmail, it is not sufficient to
change the 'send mail as:' to Instead, from 'Mail Settings'
you need to go to 'Accounts and Import', 'Send mail as:', 'Send mail from
another address', type in your, select 'Send through SMTP servers', type '' along with your userid and
password, select 'Secured connection using SSL', then 'Add account'.
To your email, attach a zip file containing your report (in any standard format
such as .pdf or .doc;
but not .docx),
and all the files needed to compile your project (such as .h, .c, .cpp, .rc,
.vcproj, .sln, .dsp, .dsw). Also, if you have built an MFC Windows
application (as opposed to a console-based application), check in the res directory that contains .ico and .rc2
files. But do NOT check in all the
other files that Visual Studio creates automatically, such as .aps, .clw, .ncb,
.opt, .plg, .suo, or the Debug or Release
directories. When in doubt, check out your code to a new temporary directory
and verify that it compiles and runs.
You may leave the body of the email blank. Be sure that your zip file is actually
attached to the email rather than being automatically included in the body of
the email (Eudora, for example, has been known include files inline, but this
behavior can be turned off). We cannot grade what we do not receive.
(Obsolete instructions that were applicable when the Clemson server used to
block .zip attachments: Also, be sure to change the extension of your
zip file (e.g., change .zip to _zip) so that the server does
not block the attachment!!! Also be sure that you're not hiding extensions for known types; in Windows
explorer, uncheck the box "Tools.Folder Options.View.Hide extensions for known
file types".)
All assignments are due at 11:59pm on the due date shown. An 8-hour grace
period is extended, so that no points will be deducted for anything submitted
before 8:00am the next morning.
Reports should be professionally written, with a title, a description of the
problem, a description of the algorithm, a detailed discussion of your
particular implementation, results, and analysis.
An example report. Similarly, code should
be professionally and cleanly written, making use of standard programming
- HW#1 (Floodfill)
- Implement the floodfill algorithm in C/C++. Create an executable
that allows the user to choose the filename and seed point; it is okay if you
hardcode the new color. The application should load the image from disk,
display the original image, run the algorithm, and display the resulting
image. (The specific interface is up to you: Either use command-line parameters,
such as: filename x y (in
that order), where 'filename' is the image filename and (x,y) are the
coordinates of the seed point; Or use a windows-based interface, such as
CFileDialog for selecting the file and GrabMouseClick for getting the seed
- To create a console app in Visual C++ 6.0, follow these instructions: File -> New ->
Project -> Win32 Console Application. Give it a name and keep the checkbox
on "Create new workspace". Choose "An application that supports MFC." Now
compile and run (Build -> Build ..., and Build -> Execute, or F7 and
Ctrl-F5). Under FileView -> Source Files you will find the main cpp file.
(Also, I would recommend that you turn off Precompiled Headers: Project ->
Settings -> C/C++ -> Precompiled headers -> Not using precompiled headers.
Before you click on the radio button, though, first select All
configurations in the drop down box so that both Debug and Release versions
are affected.)
- The images that the grader will use to test your code are
tillman.ppm, and others that are similar.
- Your code should work for either grayscale or color images, and it should allow the new value to be a Bgr color
(first convert the grayscale image to Bgr).
- For simplicity, use 4-neighbor connectedness (but 8-connected is fine,
too, if you want to do a little additional work).
- To make memory management easier, feel free to use std::stack or
- A tutorial on the Blepo library will be given in class. You may use
any part of the library except the Floodfill function itself.
- No report is due for this assignment.
- HW#2 (Fruit classification)
- Write code to automatically detect and classify fruit on a dark background.
- Implement the Ridler-Calvard algorithm to automatically compute a threshold
value. However, you will notice that the thresholded image does not look
very good. To fix this problem, implement double thresholding using two
thresholds that are constant offsets from the automatic threshold returned from
Ridler-Calvard. I.e., if Ridler-Calvard returns a value of t, then your
high threshold will be t+th, and your low threshold will be t-tl, where th and
tl are two offset values. To make your life easier, you may determine th
and tl by trial and error, after which you may hardcode them in your code.
- At any point before or during thresholding, perform noise removal (if
needed) using your own combination of erosion / dilation /
opening / closing.
- Implement connected components (by repeated applications of floodfill, if
you wish) to detect and count the foreground regions of
the graylevel image, distinguishing them from the background. Hint:
If you implement the classic connected components algorithm (which is not
recommended), use an ImgInt rather than
an ImgGray for the output labels, since there is a good chance of having more than 256 regions,
even if there are only a small number of objects in the image.
- Compute the properties of each foreground region, including
- zeroth-, first- and second-order moments (regular and centralized)
- compactness (To compute the perimeter, apply the logical XOR to the
thresholded image and the result of eroding this image with a 3x3 structuring
element of all ones; the result will be the number of 8-connected foreground
boundary pixels.)
- eccentricity (or elongatedness), using eigenvalues
- direction, using either eigenvectors (PCA) or the moments formula (they are
- Using a combination of these properties or others that you develop, write an
algorithm to automatically classify each piece of fruit into one of three
categories: apple, grapefruit, and banana.
- Also detect the banana stem.
- Your output should look like this:
- One figure window should show the original image. Another four figures
should show the result of thresholding the image with the three thresholds: t, th,
and tl, along with the double-thresholding procedure.
Use Figure::SetTitle() to set the title of each figure to an appropriate
human-readable string that indicates what is being displayed. If you want
to display additional intermediate results in additional figures, feel free; but
be sure to include the five figures just mentioned.
- In a final figure, display the original image with a one-pixel-thick boundary overlaid on each
object, the color of the boundary indicating the type of fruit: Red
indicates apple, green indicates grapefruit, and yellow indicates banana.
For each object, draw a cross at its centroid and draw two perpendicular lines
(with appropriate lengths) to indicate the major and minor axes. Indicate the banana stem by coloring
with magenta the
boundary pixels in that portion of the banana.
- Print out all the region properties you computed, either on the console
window (using printf, for example) or in the dialog window (using SetWindowText).
- The grader will test your code on the images fruit1.pgm
and fruit2.pgm (or, in BMP format,
fruit1.bmp and fruit2.bmp), along with other similar images
(same scale and lighting conditions, but the image dimensions, rotation, and
number of fruit instances may change). The same algorithm parameters should
be used for all objects and for both images.
- For this assignment, you may not use any Blepo functionality contained or
prototyped in ImageAlgorithms.h. You may, however, use functions in
ImageOperations.h, except for the dilation and erosion functions.
- As a strategy, you may find it helpful to use the dilation, erosion, Floodfill and/or ConnectedComponents in
Blepo in the initial debugging of the rest of your code before you write your
own versions. However, if you use these functions in the code you turn in,
you will incur a loss of points.
- No report is due for this assignment.
HW#3 (Canny edge detection)
- Implement the Canny edge detector. Your code should accept a single
scale parameter (sigma) as input. There should be three steps to your
code: gradient estimation, non-maximum suppression, and thresholding with
hysteresis (i.e., double-thresholding). For the gradient estimation, convolve the image
with the derivative of a Gaussian (i.e., convolve with a 2D Gaussian derivative,
implemented using the separable property), rather than computing finite differences in
the smoothed image. Do not worry about image borders; the simplest
solution is to simply set the border pixels in the convolution result to zero
rather than extending the image. Automatically compute the threshold values based upon
image statistics. Run your
code on the following images: cat.pgm and
cameraman.pgm. Display intermediate
results (e.g., the two x- and y- gradient components, the gradient magnitude and
angle, and the edges before thresholding) in separate figures, in addition to
the final result.
- Implement the chamfer distance algorithm with the Manhattan distance.
Compute the chamfer distance of the Canny edges of the cherrypepsi.jpg
image, then perform an exhaustive search (for simplicity, only consider
locations for which the template is completely in bounds) for the
best location of the cherrypepsi_template.jpg
template. Convert from color to grayscale before computing the edges. Display the resulting probability map by summing the distances
to the edges, and (in a separate window) overlay on the original image the
rectangle corresponding to the peak.
- For this assignment, you may not use any Blepo functionality contained or
prototyped in ImageAlgorithms.h (e.g., Chamfer), and you may not use the Gauss*,
Grad*, Convolve, Correlate, Smooth, etc.
functions prototyped in ImageOperations.h.
- Write a report describing your approach, including your algorithms and
methodology, experimental results, and discussion. Be sure to show the effect of the
scale parameter on the output for at least one image.
HW#4 (Image segmentation)
- Implement the Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher minimum spanning tree segmentation
algorithm (Efficient
Graph-Based Image Segmentation, IJCV 2004).
- It is crucial that you first smooth the image by convolving with a Gaussian,
even with a tiny variance of 0.5. This must be done with an ImgFloat so
that your resulting image has floating point values. If your image has
integer values, you will not get good results, because the algorithm will not be
able to perform any additional merging once a region has reached the size of the
scale parameter; in other words, a maximum size will be enforced. Hint:
First extract the three color channels from the Bgr image using ExtractBgr();
then Convert() each one to floating point; then call Smooth() on each result.
- When your algorithm is finished, you will probably still have some tiny regions
due to image noise. One way to remove these is to enforce a minimum size.
Sequentially consider each edge, and if the two pixels are in different regions
and at least one of the regions is smaller than the minimum size, then merge
- Note that the algorithm uses a disjoint set data structure, as in classic
union-find connected components. In your disjoint set data structure, be sure to store
both the maximum
edge weight and the count at the root index, not somewhere else. While it is easy for the merge
operation to maintain these values at the root index, it is nearly impossible
(and not necessary) to maintain them for all other pixels in the region.
Therefore, the values at the root index for any given region should always be
- Your program should take a grayscale or color image as input and display the
output in three different formats: boundaries overlaid on the original
image, pseudocolored output indicating the regions, all the pixels in each
region colored with the mean color of the region.
- Your program should also accept a single integer scale parameter k.
- For this assignment, you may not use any Blepo functionality contained or
prototyped in ImageAlgorithms.h.
- Test your algorithm on the following images: holes.pgm,
monalisa.jpg, mandrill.ppm, as well as a few images of your own.
- Write a report describing your approach, including your algorithms and
methodology, experimental results, and discussion.
HW#5 (Stereo matching)
- Implement correlation-based matching of rectified stereo images. The
resulting disparity map should be the same size as the two input images,
although the values at the left edge will be erroneous. Match from left to
right (i.e., for each window in the left image, search in the right image), so
that the disparity map is with respect to the left image. Recall that a
(left) disparity map D(x,y) between a left image L and a right
image R that have been rectified is an array such that the pixel
corresponding to L(x,y) is R(x-D(x,y), y).
- Implement the left-to-right consistency check, retaining a value in the left
disparity map only if the corresponding point in the right disparity map yields
the negative of that disparity. The resulting disparity map should be valid
only at the pixels that pass the consistency check; set other pixels to zero.
- Your code should be efficient as possible, on the order of several frames per
second. (Hint: First compute the dissimilarities of all the pixels
for each disparity, storing the results in an array of images; then convolve
each image with a summing kernel (all ones) in both directions. Further
speedup can be obtained using mmx_diff and xmm_diff in Blepo, but this is not
- Suggestion: use SAD (sum of absolute differences) to match raw
intensities and use a window size of 5x5.
- Run your code on tsukuba_left.pgm and
tsukuba_right.pgm. Show the results both with and without the consistency
check. What kind of errors do you notice? Now run the algorithm on
lamp_left.pgm and lamp_right.pgm. What happens? Why is this image
- Your code should output a PLY file that can be read by
MeshLab. This will enable
you to visualize the matching results in 3D. Here is an
example PLY file created from a set of
Kermit images. PLY files are ASCII files with a
simple format: In the header you specify the number of vertices, along
with the properties stored for each vertex (e.g., x y z nx ny nz r g b); then
after the header there is one line per vertex. For your assignment, you
should just output six columns (x y z r
g b) for each matched pixel, ignoring the normal components. You can use
either perspective or orthographic projection to get your x,y,z coordinates.
Orthographic is simpler and will lead to a more aesthetically pleasing point
cloud, but it is less accurate mathematically.
- Your stereo matching code does not have to work on color images, but color
will make your PLY file more pleasant to look at, if you care to use it:
tsukuba_left.ppm and tsukuba_right.ppm
- Take a look at the results of the latest stereo research at
(click on the "Evaluation" tab). Look only at the column (all) under
the column Tsukuba. What errors do you see in the best algorithm (the
one with minimum error in this column)? What does this tell you about the
difficulty of the problem?
- Write a report describing your approach, including your algorithm and
methodology, experimental results, and discussion.
HW#6 (Lucas-Kanade)
- Implement Lucas-Kanade feature point detection and tracking.
- Detection. For each pixel in a graylevel image, construct the
2x2 covariance matrix of the gradients in the 5x5 window surrounding the pixel.
Then compute the minimum eigenvalue of the gradient covariance matrix for each pixel.
Perform non-maximal suppression to detect the n most salient features, separated from
each other by a distance of at least k pixels, where
n=100 and k=8.
- Tracking. For each feature, track its location from one image
frame to the next by iteratively solving the Lucas-Kanade equation Zd=e, where Z is the 2x2
gradient covariance matrix and e is the 2x1 vector of gradients multiplied
by the temporal derivative. Display a movie of the original images with features
overlaid. You will want to smooth the images first by convolving with a Gaussian
to increase the basin of attraction, particularly to handle swift camera motion,
and you should use a large window size, e.g., 11x11 or 17x17, for the same
reason. For more details, you may want to refer to Jean-Yves Bouguet's
technical report
(but ignore the pyramidal part) or the
KLT references. Keep
your feature coordinates as floating point values throughout the tracking
process, only rounding for display purposes.
- Run your code on the following image sequences: and, overlaying the features
on the original images. Your code will be tested on these images.
- For this assignment you may not use any of the Lucas-Kanade or KLT
implementations in Blepo, or any other existing implementations of Lucas-Kanade.
You also may not use any of the Interp functions.
- Write a report describing your approach, including your algorithm and
methodology, experimental results, and discussion.
Grading standard:
- A. Report is coherent, concise, clear, and neat, with correct
grammar and punctuation. Code works correctly the first time and
achieves good results on both images.
- B. Report adequately
describes the work done, and code generally produces good results. There
are a small number of defects either in the implementation or the writeup, but
the essential components are there.
- C. Report or code are
inadequate. The report contains major errors or is illegible, the code
does not run or produces significantly flawed results, or instructions are
not followed.
- D or F. Report or code not attempted, not turned
in, or contains extremely serious deficiencies.
Detailed grading breakdown is available in the
grading chart.
In your final project, you will investigate some area of image processing or computer vision in more detail. Typically
this will involve formulating a problem, reading the literature, proposing a solution, implementing the solution
(using the programming language/environment of your choice),
evaluating the results, and communicating your findings. In the case of a survey project, the quality and depth of
the literature review should be increased significantly to compensate for the lack of implementation.
Project deadlines:
- 11/4: team (1 or 2 people), title, and brief description
- 11/25: progress report (1 page)
- 12/12:
final oral presentation in class during final exam slot, 8:00-10:30
- 12/14:
final written report (up to 5 pages)
To turn in your report, please send me a single email per group (do not email
the assign server) with two attachments:
- PDF file containing your 5-page report, conference format (title, authors,
abstract, introduction, method, experimental results, conclusion, references)
- PPT file containing your slides
Both files should have the same name, which should correspond somehow to
your topic. Use underscores instead of spaces. Do not send PPTX files.
Example: face_detection.pdf and face_detection.ppt.
You do *not* need to send me your code (although you may if you like).
Projects from previous years
Instructor: Stan Birchfield,
209 Riggs Hall, 656-5912, email: stb at clemson
Office hours: anytime
Grader: Sean Ficht, sficht
Lectures: 12:20 - 1:10 MWF, 223 Riggs Hall