ECE 904 Computer Vision Seminar | ![]() |
In this course we review recent research publications related to visual detection, recognition, and tracking of people (or other objects), visual motion analysis, visual reconstruction, stereo vision, acoustic localization, robotic sensing, and other related topics. Each week we meet to discuss one paper from the recent literature. Students should read the paper beforehand and prepare questions and comments in order to participate fully in the discussion. In addition, students are encouraged to volunteer to lead the discussion at least once during the semester. All students are welcome to attend, whether or not they are signed up for the course. (For details on how to get credit, see the bottom of this page.)
Here are some miscellaneous computer vision resources.
Schedule |
Week |
Date |
Paper |
Discussion leader |
1 |
1/13 |
Chunming Li Chenyang Xu Changfeng Gui Fox, M.D. Level set evolution without re-initialization: a new variational formulation, CVPR 2005 | Stan Birchfield |
2 |
1/20 |
N. Passat, C. Ronse, J. Baruthio, J.P. Armspach, and C. Maillot, Cerebral Vascular Atlas Generation for Anatomical Knowledge Modeling and Segmentation Purpose, CVPR 2005. | Trupti Patil |
3 |
1/27 |
Antonio Torralba, Kevin P. Murphy, William T. Freeman and Mark Rubin, Context-based vision system for place and object recognition, ICCV 2003. | Vidya Murali |
4 |
2/3 |
Antonio Torralba, Kevin P. Murphy, and William T. Freeman, Sharing Visual Features for Multiclass and Multiview Object Detection, PAMI 2007 | Sumod Mohan |
5 |
2/10 |
Greg Mori, Serge Belongie, and Jitendra Malik, Efficient Shape Matching Using Shape Contexts, IEEE PAMI, 2005. | Nalin Pradeep |
6 |
2/17 |
Lecture: "An Algorithm for Searching an Alternative Hypothesis Space Using a Variation of MAX-SAT", by Dr. Christopher Griffin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, from 3:30-4:30 in 100-A Riggs | |
7 |
2/24 |
Alauddin Bhuiyan, Baikunth Nath, Joselito Chua and Ramamohanarao Kotagiri, Blood Vessel Segmentation from Color Retinal Images Using Unsupervised Texture Classification, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2007 (ICIP 2007) | Uttara Thakre |
8 |
3/3 |
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb and Daniel P. Huttenlocher, Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation, International Journal of Computer Vision, Volume 59, Number 2, September 2004. (off-campus link) | Stan Birchfield |
9 |
3/10 |
Lukas Zebedin and Joachim Bauer and Konrad F. Karner and Horst Bischof, Fusion of Feature- and Area-Based Information for Urban Buildings Modeling from Aerial Imagery, ECCV 2008 | Peng Xu |
10 |
3/17 |
[break] | |
11 |
3/24 |
[out of town] | |
12 |
3/31 |
G. J. Brostow, R. Cipolla, Unsupervised Bayesian Detection of Independent Motion in Crowds, CVPR 2006 | Pavan Yalamanchili |
13 |
4/7 |
Vedaldi, A. and Soatto, S., Local Features, All Grown Up, CVPR 2006 | Prakash C. |
14 |
4/14 |
S. Sanjay Gopal and Thomas J. Hebert, Bayesian Pixel Classification Using Spatially Variant Finite Mixtures and the Generalized EM Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 1998. | Shrinivas Pundlik |
15 | 4/21 | A.C. Murillo, J. Kosecka, J.J. Guerrero, C. Sagues, Visual door detection integrating appearance and shape cues, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 56 , Issue 6 (June 2008) Pages 512-521. | Zhichao Chen |
Papers covered in previous semesters
Potential future papers |
Administrivia |
Instructor: Stan Birchfield, 207-A Riggs Hall, 656-5912, email: stb at clemson
Meetings: 3:30-4:30 T, 227 Riggs Hall
To receive the 1-hour credit, students must