KLTStore...() / KLTExtract...()

void KLTStoreFeatureList(
KLT_FeatureList fl,
KLT_FeatureTable ft,
int frame);

void KLTStoreFeatureHistory(
KLT_FeatureHistory fh,
KLT_FeatureTable ft,
int feat);

KLTStoreFeatureList() stores fl in the frame column of ft. The number frame must be between 0 and ft->nFrames - 1. The nFeatures field of both fl and ft must be the same.

KLTStoreFeatureHistory() is similar, except that fh is stored in the feat row of ft.

void KLTExtractFeatureList(
KLT_FeatureList fl,
KLT_FeatureTable ft,
int frame);

void KLTExtractFeatureHistory(
KLT_FeatureHistory fh,
KLT_FeatureTable ft,
int feat);

KLTExtractFeatureList() sets fl to the frame column of ft, while KLTExtractFeatureHistory() sets fh to the feat row of ft. The same restrictions apply as those of the KLTStore...() functions.