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Recall from the Section 2 that the
coordinates of the line passing through two points
is given by
Notice that these three coordinates are just the determinants of the
submatrices of the following matrix:
taken in the appropriate order and given the appropriate sign.
The procedure is similar in
The coordinates of the
passing through two points
is given by
the determinants of the six
submatrices of the following matrix:
In other words,
These coordinates lij are called the Plücker
coordinates of the line. It is fairly easy to show that,
if the points
are not ideal
(that is, W1 and W2 are not zero),
then the coordinates have a nice Euclidean interpretation:
are the coordinates of the corresponding Euclidean
points. That is, the first three Plücker
coordinates describe the direction of the line, and the last
three coordinates describe the plane containing the line and the
origin and the distance from the origin to the line. Therefore the
six Plücker coordinates are sufficient to describe the
line. The coordinates are not independent, however, because they
always satisfy
which can be derived by noting that the
is identically zero.
Where does the magic number six come from? That is, why do we need
six parameters to represent a line in
? Interestingly, it turns
out that it takes
(n+1k) parameters
to represent an
entity defined by k points in a space requiring n+1 parameters for
each point (To see this, count the number of submatrices in the
matrix above).
For example, in
a point requires
(31) = 3 parameters, and a line (which is defined by
two points) also requires
(32) = 3 parameters. In
a point requires
(41) = 4 parameters, a line
(42) = 6 parameters, and a plane
(43) = 4 parameters.
Next: Intersections and unions of
Up: Projective Space
Previous: Projective Space
Stanley Birchfield