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on aging in place :

[video] [documents]

ReLiS [video] [documents]

IFF [video] [documents]

mKARE [video] [documents]


Architectural Robotics
Making the Built Environment Intelligent and Adaptable  

Keith Evan Green (Architecture/ECE) and Ian D. Walker (ECE)

C o u r s e    S c h e d u l e   |   T o p i c a l   O u t l i n e   b y   W e e k

In anticipation of each class session. read the course materials.
All course materials are dowloadable files accessed by links found within the "Course Documents" page (see top-left of this page) except for readings which are directly accessed by link provided below.

The semester, in short:
• Assignment-1 (5 weeks): prototype a functioning home+ component.
• Assignment-2a (3 weeks): get prototypes speaking/learning from each other & users.
• Assignment-2b (1 week): evaluate the home+ concepts and propose refinements.
• Assignment-3 (3 weeks): design a concept for iCubed (still images and gifs)
• Refine home+ for final presentation (4 weeks)

1. Arduino | 8.19
• McComb, G. "Making Robots with the Arduino." Servo (02/2011) pp. 67-75.  
• Banzi, M. Getting Started with Arduino. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly/MAKE.

Lab: Intro to assignment-1 (see design parameters doc); formation of assignment-1 teams; Arduino, Arduino!

2. Architectural Robotics: Definitions, Research and Practices | 8.26
• Green, K. E. Architectural Robotics: Ecosystems of Bits, Bytes and Biology. Cambridge, MA: [in press], chapters 1 and 2.

Lab: group proposals for assignment-1; discussion.

3. Distributed Architectural Robotics: ART and home+ | 9.2
• Green, K. E. Architectural Robotics: Ecosystems of Bits, Bytes and Biology. Cambridge, MA: [in press], chapters 6-8.

Lab: assignment-1 progress reports; discussion.

4. Assistive and Social Robotics, in Perspective | 9.9
• Feil-Seifer, D. and Mataric, M. “Defining Socially Assistive Robotics.” Proceedings of the 2005 9th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 28-July 1, 2005, Chicago, IL, USA, pp. 465-468.
• Breazeal, C. "Social Interactions in HRI: The Robot View." IEEE Transactions in Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 34, no. 2 May 2004, pp. 181-186.
• Fong, T., Nourbakhsh I. and Dautenhahn, K. “A survey of socially interactive robots.” Robotics and Autonomous Systems 42 (2003) pp. 143-166.

Lab: assignment-1 progress reports; discussion.

5. Cross-Operability and the Internet of Things [IoT]: Design and Ethics | 9.16 
Building the Internet of Things with Arduino.
A comparison the Rasberry PI, Beaglebone Black, Arduino Yun and Intel Galileo.
• Tufekci, Z. "Why 'Smart' Objects May Be a Dumb Idea." New York Times (August 10, 2015).

Lab: first demo and video presentation of assignment-1; intro to assignment-2a; formation of assignment-2 teams; discussion.

6.Architectural Robotics: Formative Documents 1 | 9.23  
• Mitchell, William, J. "Computers for Living In” in e-topia. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2000, chapter 4.
• Negroponte, N. “Intelligent Environments,” Soft Architecture Machines, Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1975.

Lab: instructor feedback on assignment-1; group proposals for assignment-2a; discussion.

7. Architectural Robotics: Formative Documents 2 | 9.30
• Pask, G., "The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics," Architectural Design, (September, 1969), pp.494-496.

Lab: assignment-2 progress reports; discussion

8. Research Through Design [RTD] | 10.7
• Frayling, C. Research in Art and Design. Royal College of Art Research Papers 1, 1 (1993): 1-5.
• Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J. and Evenson, J. “Research through Design as a Method
for Interaction Design Research in HCI.” In Proceedings of CHI '07, the ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
. New York: ACM, 493-502.

e x a m p l e   p a p e r s :
• Grönvall, E., Kinch, S., Graves Petersen, M. and Rasmussen, M. K. "Causing commotion with a shape-changing bench: experiencing shape-changing interfaces in use." In Proceedings of CHI '14, the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, 2559-2568.
* Threatt, A. L., Merino, J., Green, K. E. & Walker, I. D.  An Assistive Robotic Table for Older and Post-Stroke Adults: Results from Participatory Design and Evaluation Activities with Clinical Staff. In Proceedings of CHI 2014: the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 673–682.

Lab: demo and video presentation of assignment-2a; intro to assignment-2b - an evaluation study (see Interaction Design, ch.s 9 and 13); discussion.

9. Continuum Robots and other Bio-Inspired Robots | 10.14   
• Walker, I.D. “Continuous Backbone “Continuum” Robot Manipulators”, ISRN Robotics, Vol. 2013, July 2013, pp. 1-19.

Lab: evaluation report for assingment-2b; intro to assignment-3; formation of assignment-3 teams; discussion.

10. Modular Robotics | 10.21
• Yim, M., Shen, W., Salemi, B., Rus, D., Moll, M., Lipson, H., Klavins, E. and Chirikjian, G. (2007) “Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robot Systems; Challenges and Opportunities for the Future,'' IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, March, 2007.

Lab: instructor feedback on assignment-2; group proposals for assignment-3; discussion

11. Machine Learning and Intelligence | 10.28  
Three articles from The Singularity: Special Report, IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 45:
• Zorpette, G. “The Rapture of the Geeks,” pp. 34-35.
• Nordmann, A. “Singular Simplicity,” pp. 60-63.
• Brooks, R. “I, Rodney Brooks, Am a Robot,” pp. 71-75.

assignment-3 concept video showcase; discussion.

12. Refining the Prototype  | 11.4 
• [Find a video a refined prototype of your liking, and present it to the class.]

Lab: instructor feedback on assignment-3; refining home+ components and cross-operability; discussion.

13. Key Algorithms for Robotic Structures  | 11.11 
• Lewis, F.L., et al., Robotics, Chapter 14, CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 14-1-14-111, 2005.

Lab: refining home+ components and cross-operability; discussion.

14. Conclusions, Lessons Learned, Future Work| 11.18
• Green, K. E. Architectural Robotics: Ecosystems of Bits, Bytes and Biology. Cambridge, MA: [in press], chapter 12.

Lab: draft demo and draft video of refined home+ components and cross-operability.; discussion.

15. [No class: Thanksgiving holiday] | 11.25

16. Final Project Presentations | 12.2