Energy Harvesting for Micro-Power Generation

fig Inspired by music-playing harmonicas that create tones via oscillations of reeds when subjected to air blow, we propose a concept for microwind power generation using flow-induced self-excited oscillations of a piezoelectric beam embedded within a cavity. Specifically, when the volumetric flow rate of air past the beam exceeds a certain threshold, the energy pumped into the structure via nonlinear pressure forces offsets the system’s intrinsic damping setting the beam into self-sustained limit-cycle oscillations. The vibratory energy is then converted into electricity through principles of piezoelectricity. The significance of this concept for micropower generation stems from its ability to eliminate the shortcomings of traditional vibration-based energy harvesters and small size wind turbines while, at the same time, combining aerodynamics with vibrations to generate the necessary power. On one hand, this concept is based on transforming vibrations to electricity but does not require an external vibration source eliminating the bandwidth issues associated with resonant vibratory energy harvester . On the other hand, while this device depends on the presence of an aerodynamic energy field, it does not suffer from the scalability issues that hinder the efficiency of small size wind turbines.

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
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