BIOE 4500/6500: Special Topic: Current Cancer Research and Treatment Techniques
Topics include history of cancer diagnosis, historic treatment regimes, current cancer treatment cancer protocols, imagining modalities, cancer research milestones, current cancer research techniques, and future directions of cancer research and treatment.
BIOE 4820/6820: Biomaterial Implantology 3(2)
Provides training in the planning and conduct of experimental surgery, including laws and regulations; institutional requirements; selection of animal models; ethical considerations of animal research; preparation of animals for surgery; general and special surgical techniques; aseptic surgical techniques; and basic and applied instrumentation. Preq: Junior standing in Bioengineering. Coreq: BIOE 4821. BIOE 4821* Biomaterial Implantology Laboratory 0(3) Non-credit laboratory to accompany BIOE 4820. Coreq: BIOE 4820.
BIOE 3100: Engineering Analysis of Physiological Processes 4 (3)
Application of knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to cellular systems physiology, including function, dysfunction, and the mechanisms that underlie treatment. Associated laboratory modules give students opportunity to design, conduct, and analyze experiments, to use the techniques, skills, and tools necessary for engineering practice. Preq: BIOE 1010 or BIOL 1030 or BIOL 1100. Coreq: BIOE 3101. BIOE 3101 Engineering Analysis of Physiological Processes Laboratory 0 (3) Non-credit laboratory to accompany BIOE 3100. Coreq: BIOE 3100.
BIOE 4610: International Study in Bioengineering
Study abroad - Healthcare & Nursing in the United Kingdom