of the Dr.Gao's biophotonic lab

Current members


Wan Qin achieved Ph.D from Shenzhen University in 2010, and joined Dr. Gao's lab in 2010


Graduate students:

Andrew Sweeney achieved his Master degree of Engineering from Virginia Tech in 1999, and joined Dr. Gao's lab as a Ph.D. candidate in 2005

Honghai Liu achieved his Ph.D from Tianjin University, China in 2006, and joined Dr. Gao's lab as a Ph.D candidate in 2007

Zhen Ma achieved his Master degree of Engineering from Tianjin University, China in 2007, and joined Dr. Gao's lab as a Ph.D candidate in 2007

Rui Wang achieved his Master degree of Engineering from Tsinghua University, China in 2006, and joined Dr. Gao's lab as a Ph.D candidate in 2007

Huaxiao Yang achieved his Master degree of Science from Fudan University, China in 2010, and joined Dr. Gao's lab in 2010

Lucas Schmidt achieved his Bachelor degree of Engineering from Clemson University, USA in 2011, and joined Dr. Gao's lab as a Ph.D candidate in 2011

Siyu Ma achieved her Bachelor degree of Engineering from Tianjin University, China in 2011, and joined Dr. Gao's lab as a Ph.D candidate in 2011

Zhonghai Wang achieved his Bachelor degree of Engineering from Tianjin University, China in 2011, and joined Dr. Gao's lab as a Ph.D candidate in 2011

Nicholas (Nick) Erdman achieved his Bachelor degree of Engineering from University of Iowa, USA in 2011, and joined Dr. Gao's lab as Ph.D candidate in 2011


Visiting scholars:

Sixiang Zhang, Ph.D. achieved his Ph.D. at the College of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering,Tianjin University in 1996. Dr. Zhang is the professor of Hebei University of Technology, director of National University Science Park, CHebei University of Technology, and the director of The Institute of Modern Measurement and Control Technology ,Hebei University of Technology. Currently, Dr. Zhang is the visting scholar of the department of Bioengineering, Clemson University from the date of 11.2010.

Shuifa Sun, Ph.D. achieved his Ph.D. at the department of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Zhejiang University in 2005. Dr. Sun is the Associate Professor and Vice Director of Institution of Institute of Intelligent Vision and Image Information(IIVII) 2011 in China Three Gorges University, Hubei Province, China. Currently, Dr. Sun is the visiting scholar of the department of Bioengineering, Clemson University from the date of 01.2011. His research interests are biomedical image processing and computer vision multimedia information processing.

Guangzhu Xu, Ph.D. achieved his Ph.D. at Lanzhou University, Ganshu province, China. Currently, Dr. Sun is the associate professor in China Three Gorges University, Hubei Province, China.

Visiting students:

Qiuying Liu is Ph.D. student of Jinan University, Guangdong Province, China.

Lina Wei is Ph. D student of Peking University, Beijing, China.


Graduated Students:


Frank Zhong achieved his Master degree from Clemson University in 2010, and now is working as the GMP Lab Technician in the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), the office phone: 336-713-1203, email: fzhong@wfubmc.edu

Joseph Zinkovich achieved his Master degree from Clemson University in 2010, and now is assistant Professor at Arizona College of Optometry, Midwestern University, email: jzinko@midwestern.edu

John Andrew McRea achieved his Master degree from Clemson University in 2010, and now is Adjunct Faculty at Tri-County Technical College, email: aiox82@gmail.com

Ponthetta Mitchell achieved her Master degree from Clemson University in ?, and now is working as a Digital Design consultant at Think Resource Inc. Duke Energy, Current address: Anderson SC, office phone: 864-367-3714. email: truediamondi@yahoo.com

Russell Kirk Pirlo achieved his Ph.D. degree from Clemson University in 2009

Justin Roman achieved his Master degree from Clemson University in 2007, and now is studying in the Medical School in New Mexico, eamil: roman.justin@gmail.com

Tabitha Rosenbalm achieved his Master degree from Clemson University in 2006

Daniel Bakken achieved his Master degree from Clemson University in 2005, and now is the Supplier Quality Engineer in the Medtronic, Inc. Current office address: Medtronic Energy and Component Center 6800 Shingle Creek Pkwy, H134 | Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 office phone: 763-514-1185. email: daniel.e.bakken@medtronic.com

Sriram V. Narasimhan achieved his Master degree from Clemson University in 2004, and now is the director of Chennai Medipoint Pvt. Ltd B/III/7, Parsn Manere, 602 Anna Salai, Chennai 600006, TN, India. Mobile phone: 0091 9444033031. email: vnsriram@chennaimedipoint.com

Meghna achieved her Master degree from Clemson University, and now works as a Sr. Regulatory Engineer at Intuitive Surgical Inc. in Sunnyvale, CA. email: meg_sri@yahoo.com

Neil Thompson achieved his Master degree from Clemson University in 2004, and now is the Development Engineer of Advanced Biologics, LLC, 555 Corporate Drive, Suite 260 Ladera Ranch, CA 92694, Phone: 949-302-4552 Fax: 480-287-9391 email: nthompson@advancedbiologicscorp.com






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