Modeling a Center-driven Dipole with IE3D

Geometry and setup

Geometry: L= 1 m, a = 0.5 mm
De-embedded scheme: Advanced extension
Wire model: Tube (number of sides = 6)
Simulation Setup:
  • Meshing Parameters: 4GHz. 100 Cells/Wavelength
  • Scheme: Classical, No FASTA
  • Matrix Solver: Adaptive Symemtric Solver
  • Adaptive Intelli-Fit: Enabled
  • Frequency Parameters: 5 MHz - 400 MHz, step size = 5 MHz

Download input geometry

Simulation result

Simulation Time: 61 seconds
Number of cells: 912
Number of unknowns: 1812
Input impedance at 150 MHz: 83.2+j41.2 Ohms
First resonant frequency: 144 MHz

Decisions the user must make that affect the accuracy of the result

  • Meshing frequency and meshing cell size: Higher mesh densities or cells per wavelength generally yields more accurate results. In this example, we set the meshing frequency to 400 MHz and cells/wavelength to 100.
  • De-embedding scheme: The Advanced Extension scheme is normally the best considering the applicable frequency range and stability.
  • Adaptive Intelli-Fit (AIF): A scheme allowing users to get the frequency response at many frequency points with guaranteed accuracy by simulating just a few frequency points. This can reduce the simulation time significantly. Enable AIF and use the default settings.


  • Other ways to model the dipole antenna

    There are few different ways to model the dipole antenna depending upon the accuracy required
    More information ...

Screen shots

enlarge this impage
simulation model
Fig. 1. Simulation model
enlarge this impage
simulation mesh
Fig. 2. Simulation meshes
enlarge this impage
input impedance</>
Fig. 3. Input impedance
enlarge this impage
input impedance at first resonant frequency
Fig. 4. Input impedance at the first resonant frequency