
  • August 19th, 2024

    CMERL welcomes new members Suman Poudel and Lakhan Chauhan!

  • March 20th, 2024

    Our new published research offers valuable data for estimating shear stresses in tissue-engineered heart valves during their bioreactor maturation period. We hope this work will help accelerate prosthesis development and bring improved therapeutic options to patients sooner! Link to Article

  • Jan 27th, 2024

    Thanks to Clemson World magazine and in particular Lainey Graham for communicating our lab's research in plain language for the general audience in this article! Link to Article

  • Aug 31st, 2023

    CMERL welcomes new lab member Nana Ameyaw Adjei who is from Ghana and will be a MS thesis student here.

  • Oct 23rd, 2022

    CMERL publishes a new method for coupling a physical experiment with time-varying fluid volume to a computational physiology model in a hybrid cardiovascular model. Link to publication

  • Sep 19th, 2022

    Congrats to CMERL alumni Justin Olshavsky for being named "Clemson Entrepreneur of the Week"!

  • May 4th, 2022

    Congrats to Raj for winning another poster competition! He has just been announced the winner for the 2022 departmental MS poster competition.

  • Apr 9th, 2022

    CMERL publishes collaborative research study on new anatomic markers indicating stroke risk in carotid stenosis patients. Link to publication

  • Mar 23rd, 2022

    Congrats to Raj Dave for a successful MS thesis defense today!

  • Mar 19th, 2022

    Congrats to Akash Gupta, Abraham Umo, and Raj Dave for their abstracts being selected for oral presentations at the upcoming World Congress Biomechanics conference!

  • Nov 15th, 2021

    Congrats to Raj Dave for being voted a winner in the 2021 SES conference poster competition under the "Living Matter" category! His presentation was titled "Wall Shear Stress quantification in tissue engineered heart valves."

  • Aug 12th, 2021

    Congrats to Colin Pender for a successful MS defense.

  • June 14th, 2021

    CMERL participates in the SB3C virtual conference this week.

  • April 13th, 2021

    Congrats to Parker Davis for a successful MS defense.

  • Mar 29th, 2021

    New CMERL study suggests that Norwood patients on VAD may fair better with a higher flow setting compared to bi-ventricular patients. Publication

  • Mar 23th, 2021

    Congrats to lab alumni Daniel Custer for receiving the prestigious NSF GRFP award!

  • Aug 21st, 2020

    Masoud's paper "Target Flow-Pressure Operating Range for Designing a Failing Fontan Cavopulmonary Support Device" has been selected as a featured article by the IEEE TBME journal. Congrats!

  • April 10th, 2020

    Congratulations to lab member Daniel Custer for receiving the ME Undergraduate Eastman Award!

  • Feb 17th, 2020

    Our recent study delineates the desired flow-pressure operating regions for Fontan cavopulmonary assist devices. See publication here.

  • Dec 18th, 2019

    Congratulations to Dr. Masoud Farahmand who received his Ph.D. degree at the Clemson doctoral hooding ceremony today!

  • Oct 11th, 2019

    Aparna presented CMERL's Creative Inquiry project at the Clemson Board of Trustees meeting yesterday. See Greenville News

  • Sep 12th, 2019

    Our multi-scale simulation study of a patient cohort shows consistently equivalent hemodynamic performance between the Glenn and Hemo-Fontan surgical options. Published in Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.

  • Sep 6th, 2019

    Aparna made such an impression with her presentation at the CI showcase in August that she has been invited to present our CI project to the Board of Trustees in October - Congratulations!

  • Aug 28th, 2019

    Congrats to Masoud Farahmand for passing his Ph.D. thesis defense!

  • July 1st, 2019

    Dr. Kung receives honorary appointment as a Globex Faculty Fellow at Peking University.

  • June 26th, 2019

    CMERL presents research at the ASAIO conference this week.

  • April 18th, 2019

    We published a new simulation study delineating how Fontan cavopulmonary support can be implemented using an LVAD. See article in IEEE Explore.

  • Jan 30th, 2019

    CMERL's unique hybrid modeling technology enables closed-loop physical testing of medical devices with simulated physiologic feedback. Published in JBME.

  • Nov 2nd, 2018

    Congratulations to Akash for finishing top ten in the Clemson 3-Minute Thesis competition!

  • October 17th, 2018

    Masoud and Sabbir will be presenting CMERL research at the BMES Annual Meeting in Atlanta this week.

  • August 21st, 2018

    Welcome new thesis students Himanshu and Parker to the lab!

  • July 8th, 2018

    CMERL presents several research projects at the WCB conference in Dublin this week.

  • June 29th, 2018

    Dr. Kung delivers keynote seminar talk at the University Hospital Leuven in Belgium today.

  • June 15th, 2018

    The ASAIO conference in DC this week was very productive! Research presentations from the lab generated much interests and we made several great connections for collaborations.

  • May 16th, 2018

    Congrats to Dr. Kung for receiving the Dean’s Faculty Fellow Award!

  • Apr 11th, 2018

    Congrats to Dr. Kung for receiving the Eastman Award for Excellence!

  • Mar 21st, 2018

    CMERL will be present at the One Seneca STEAM outreach event on Tuesday March 27th with drawbots. Here is how to make your own Drawbot.

  • Oct 11th, 2017

    CMERL presents several research projects this week at the BMES conference in Phoenix, AZ.

  • Oct 4th, 2017

    Congrats to Frederic for receiving the Honors Conference Travel Grant!

  • May 5th, 2017

    Congratulations to Ehsan and Akash for being selected as finalists in the MS paper competition at the SB3C conference!

  • April 3rd, 2017

    Congratulations to Mitra Shabani for winning the 2017 SB3C Diversity Travel Award!

  • March 22nd, 2017

    New CMERL publication explains the underlying mechanism of why steady flow blood pumps tend to out-perform pulsatile ones in single-ventricle infants. Audio slide presentation available here.

  • Dec 24th, 2016

    CMERL has just received the 2016 TIGER grant award!

  • Dec 6th, 2016

    The American Heart Association and the Children's Heart Foundation just announced the 2nd round of CHD Research Awards. CMERL's Fontan project is named as one of the 7 funded projects. Learn more here: AHA Press Release

  • Nov 10th, 2016

    Dr. Kung will be giving a talk highlighting CMERL research next Tuesday Nov 15th at 12:30pm in the lobby of Cooper Library.

  • Sep 9th, 2016

    Dr. Kung gives a seminar talk today at the University of South Carolina on the topic of applicable engineering tools in cardiovascular biomechanics.

  • Sep 7th, 2016

    Dr. Kung is now jointly appointed in the department of Bioengineering.

  • Aug 25th, 2016

    CMERL has been awarded a research grant by the Saving tiny Hearts Society to investigate a novel blood pump device for Fontan pulmonary support.

  • Aug 10th, 2016

    Welcome new lab member Mitra Shabani and undergraduate CI team members. Also welcome back John Scaringi!

  • June 28th, 2016

    Rahul and Tyler will be presenting CMERL research at the ASME SB3C conference this week.

  • May 20th, 2016

    Dr. Kung has been awarded the American Heart Association Scientist Development Grant!

  • May 16th, 2016

    Tyler will be presenting Fontan ventricular assist device computational modeling study at the BMES/FDA 2016 Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference in Washington DC on May 23-25.

  • May 10th, 2016

    CMERL will be hosting an "Underwater Instrument" station at the Artisphere festival in Greenville this weekend, come join the fun!

  • April 25th, 2016

    Dr. Kung will be presenting CMERL research at the CU Research Symposium 3pm next Wednesday May 4th at the Watt Family Innovation Center.

  • April 7th, 2016

    Congratulations to Tyler Schmidt on winning the department MS student award!

  • Mar 22th, 2016

    Congrats to Justin on winning the Clemson Educational Enrichment Travel Grant, and Elliot for winning the Honors Research Grant!

  • Jan 28th, 2016

    The Drawbot demonstration at the One Seneca STEAM event tonight was a big hit! For those of you who visited our station and are interested in learning more, here is a video of the drawbot, and a link to make your own Drawbot.

  • Jan 26th, 2016

    CMERL will be showing drawing robots to elementary school kids at the Seneca STEAM outreach event on Thursday Jan 28th 6-8pm at the Seneca High School.

  • Jan 18th, 2016

    Welcome new lab members Masoud, Justin, and Ehsan!

  • Oct 29th, 2015

    Dr. Kung will be presenting a clinical and computational study involving respiration effects on Fontan exercise at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Orlando on Nov 8th.

  • Oct 8th, 2015

    Congrats to Elliot Bailey for receiving the Calhoun Honors College Departmental Honors Research Grant Award!

  • Aug 20th, 2015

    Welcome new thesis students Akash Gupta and Elliot Bailey!

  • Mar 11th, 2015

    Dr. Kung will be giving a special presentation at the Clemson 2nd Annual Research Symposium as part of the "Spotlight on Young Faculty" at 11:15am, Thursday March 12th, Hendrix Center Ballroom.

  • Mar 3rd, 2015

    Single-ventricle simulation project from CMERL featured on the most recent ME Departmental Blog.

  • Feb 23rd, 2015

    A simulation from CMERL will be exhibited at the Science as Art Festival on Friday March 6th, in the Hendrix Center Atrium, 12pm-6pm.

  • Jan 5th, 2015

    Welcome new lab members Shriram Duraisamy, Rahul Mechoor, and Tyler Schmidt!

  • Dec 3rd, 2014

    Senior design project advised by Dr. Kung featured on the front page of The Greenville News this week.

  • Nov 12th, 2014

    There is one immediate opening for a PhD student with target start date of January 2015. See details on the Contact page.

  • Oct 4th, 2014

    The CMERL published new insights on Fontan exercise dysfunctions. Results showed that the common clinical belief of elevated pulmonary vascular resistance being the main cause of exercise intolerance may be incomplete and warrant re-consideration. See publications page.

  • Sep 24th, 2014

    Congratulations to Ramin Taheri and Fei He for being accepted into CMERL! Ramin and Fei will begin working in the lab starting in January. Welcome!

  • Sep 6th, 2014

    Dr. Kung will be presenting CMERL's computational model of Fontan exercise at the Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society meeting in Chicago on October 19.

  • Updates

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Welcome to the CMERL

The Cardiovascular Modeling & Experimentation Research Laboratory (CMERL) at Clemson University focuses on translational research which develops and integrates experimental and computational tools to help advance cardiovascular medical devices, diagnostics, and clinical procedures. Our inter-disciplinary research involves close collaborations with clinicians and broad areas of Electrical, Biomedical, and Mechanical Engineering. The specific expertise areas of our lab include:

  • In-vitro cardiovascular flow system & measurements
  • Cardiovascular physiology & modeling
  • Computational fluid dynamics / multi-scale modeling
  • Imaging-based patient-specific investigations
  • Prototyping, design, controls & automation

We work closely with the Greenville Hospital Systems, the Medical University of South Carolina, as well as other clinicians around the world spanning from North American west coast to as far as Belgium, to align our research with current clinical needs. We also welcome industry collaborations to apply our state-of-the-art engineering tools towards cardiovascular medical device design and testing.

The ultimate goal of our research is to combine the power of engineering and medicine, improve the lives of patients with cardiovascular diseases, and have lots of fun doing this.

  • Thermal Detection Site for High-intensity Focused Ultrasound
  • Flow in Patient-specific Coronary Aneurysm Model
  • Ultrasound Imaging in Vascular Phantom
  • Particle Tracking in Fontan Surgical Junction
  • Linear Flow Resistance Module
  • Inferior Vena Cava Flow Distribution Prediction in Virtual Fontan Surgery
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Thoracic Cavity in an Infant

Mission Statement
The goal of our laboratory is to be a world leader in developing/applying/combining novel experimental and computational modeling approaches to tackle current challenges in cardiovascular medicine. The ultimate end-point is improved medical device design, treatment planning, patient outcome, and reduced healthcare costs. We will also contribute to constructing an academic research environment that has an open and collaborative atmosphere.