This software will construct and run a realistic closed-loop lumped-parameter model of cardiovascular physiology. The software automatically tunes the model parameters to achieve a set of desired hemodynamic outputs specified by the user, including: Systolic aortic pressure, diastolic aortic pressure, heart rate, systolic left ventricular volume, diastolic left ventricular volume, systolic right ventricular volume, diastolic right ventricular volume.
The software will set model parameters such that all other hemodynamic outputs and waveforms not specified by the user will fall within realistic clinical ranges.
Simulation Software
This package contains the source codes for running 0D lumped-parameter simulations to model Fontan exercise physiology. The model inputs are patient weight, height, and exercise intensity. The model then performs a simulation to produce the presure, flow, and volume waveforms at various anatomical locations for the average Fontan patient with those input characteristics.
Physiologic Waveforms
This data contains realistic physiologic waveforms for the renal flow and the infra-renal aortic flow, as well as for the abdominal aortic pressure. Two physiological conditions are included: resting and light exercise. The data represents a normal adult, and is based on simulations which use realistic aortic flows and renal/iliac outlet impedances.
Reference: Kung E, Les AS, Medina F, Wicker RB, McConnell MV, Taylor CA, “In vitro validation of finite-element model of AAA hemodynamics incorporating realistic outlet boundary conditions.” J Biomech Eng. 133(4):041003 (2011)
This dataset contains simulated physiologic flow, pressure, and volume information at various anatomical locations for two example Fontan patients at rest and at 5 graded levels of exercise.
Reference: Kung E, Pennati G, Migliavacca F, Hsia TY, Marsden A, Giardini A, MOCHA Investigators, “A Simulation Protocol For Exercise Physiology In Fontan Patients Using A Closed-Loop Lumped-Parameter Model.” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 136(8):081007 (2014)
Matlab Codes
This Matlab code converts phase-contrast MRI DICOM data into VTK files for easy visualization and manipulation. The code can handle 1-component or 3-component PCMRI DICOM data.
Design & Geometries

Reference: Kung E, Les AS, Medina F, Wicker RB, McConnell MV, Taylor CA, “In vitro validation of finite-element model of AAA hemodynamics incorporating realistic outlet boundary conditions.” J Biomech Eng. 133(4):041003 (2011)

Reference: Kung E, Taylor C, “Development of a Physical Windkessel Module to Re-Create In Vivo Vascular Flow Impedance for In Vitro Experiments.” Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 2(1):2-14 (2011)
Fun Stuff
Web tools to help host deductive reasoning games such as Mafia, Resistance, and One-night Ultimate Werewolf.
Mafia Game Setup
Mafia Game Play
Resistance/Werewolf Game Setup
Resistance Game Play
Werewolf Game Play
Portal to setup codename game web engine