
to the Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Department's
Education Outreach site. In collaboration with other science outreach
programs at Clemson University, we offer a variety of professional
development opportunities for K-12 teachers interested in geoscience or
environmental education. We also host a series of downloadable
standards-based curriculum supplements and teaching modules, and
provide links to other classroom resources of use to both formal and
informal educators.
following the appropriate links in the left navigation menu you can
sign up to take graduate courses or request teacher workshop programs
for your school. You can print out grade-specific supplemental
lessons dealing with the natural and human history of South Carolina,
or browse through satellite imagery, aerial photography, and various
maps of the Southeastern USA. This site also links to many
outside resources that provide useful contact and content information,
including the South Carolina Earth Science Teachers Association and the
Environmental Education Association of South Carolina.