
 Selected Conference Publications

  1. Chen, Z, Wang Y Q. Locally Differentially Private Decentralized Stochastic Bilevel Optimization with Guaranteed Convergence Accuracy.  International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024.
  2. Wang Y Q, Nedic, A. Differentially-Private Distributed Optimization with Guaranteed Optimality.  IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2023.
  3. Gao H, Zhang, C. Ahmad M, Wang Y Q. Privacy-Preserving Average Consensus on Directed Graphs Using Push-Sum.  IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security 2018.
  4.  Ruan M, Ahmad M, Wang Y Q. Secure and Privacy-Preserving Average Consensus. The 3rd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security & Privacy 2017.
  5.  Dey S, Wang Y Q, Ayalew B. A Distributed Computation Scheme for Real-time Control and Estimation of PDEs. American Control Conference 2016.
  6.  Wang Y Q, Hespanha J, Chakrabortty A. Distributed Monitoring of Wide-Area Oscillations in the Presence of GPS Spoofing Attacks. 2016 IEEE PES General Meeting (Best Papers).
  7.  Wang Y Q, Nunez F., Doyle F. Mobility induced network evolution speeds up synchronization of wireless sensor networks. American Control Conference 2014.
  8.  Wang Y Q, Hori Y, Hara S, Doyle F. The collective oscillation period of inter-coupled Goodwin oscillators. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2012.
  9.  Nunez F, Wang Y Q, Teel A, Doyle F. Bio-inspired synchronization of non-identical pulse-coupled oscillators subject to a global cue and local interactions. The 4th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, 2011.
  10.  Wang Y Q, Doyle F. On synchronization of Kuramoto oscillator networks in the presence of global and local cues. American Control Conference, 2011.

Selected Journal Publications

* student         ** postdoc

  1. Chen, Z.**, Wang Y Q. Local differential privacy for decentralized online stochastic optimization with guaranteed optimality and convergence speed. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2024
  2. Bo, Y.*, Wang Y Q. Quantization avoids saddle points in distributed optimization. Accepted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2024
  3. Chen, Z.**, Wang Y Q. Locally differentially private distributed online learning with guaranteed optimality. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2024
  4. Chen, Z.**, Wang Y Q. Locally differentially private gradient tracking for distributed online learning over directed graphs. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2024
  5. Wang Y Q., Nedich A. Robust constrained consensus and inequality-constrained distributed optimization with guaranteed differential privacy and accurate convergence. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2024
  6. Wang Y Q., Basar T. Ensuring both almost sure convergence and differential privacy in Nash equilibrium seeking on directed graphs. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024
  7. Chen D., Zhang K., Wang Y Q., Yin X., Li Z., Filev D. Communication-efficient decentralized multi-agent reinforcement learning for cooperative adaptive cruise control. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024
  8. Wang Y Q., Nedich A. Differentially-private distributed algorithms for aggregative games with guaranteed convergence. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2023
  9. Chen  D., Hajidavalloo M, Li Z., Chen K.,  Wang Y Q. , Jiang L., Wang Y. Deep multi-agent reinforcement learning for highway on-ramp merging in mixed traffic. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023
  10. Wang Y Q., Nedich A. Decentralized gradient methods with time-varying uncoordinated stepsizes: convergence analysis and privacy design. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2023
  11. Wang Y Q., Nedich A. Tailoring gradient methods for differentially-private distributed optimization. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2023
  12. Xuan Y*, Wang Y Q. Gradient-tracking based differentially private distributed optimization with enhanced optimization accuracy . Accepted to Automatica as a full paper, 2023
  13. Chen Z**, Anglea T*, Zhang Y,  Wang Y Q. Optimal synchronization in pulse-coupled oscillator networks using reinforcement learning. Accepted to PNAS Nexus, 2023
  14. Gao H*,  Wang Y Q., Nedich A. Dynamics based privacy preservation in decentralized optimization. Accepted to Automatica, 2023
  15. Wang Y Q, Basar T. Decentralized nonconvex optimization with guaranteed privacy and accuracy. Accepted to Automatica as a full paper, 2022
  16. Wang Y Q, Basar T. Gradient-tracking based distributed optimization with guaranteed optimality under noisy information sharing. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2022
  17. Wang Y Q, Basar T. Quantization enabled privacy protection in decentralized stochastic optimization. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2022
  18. Wang Y Q, Poor V. Decentralized stochastic optimization with inherent privacy protection. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2022
  19. Gao H*, Li, Z, Wang Y Q. Privacy-preserving collaborative estimation for networked vehicles with application to collaborative road profile estimation. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022
  20.  Zhang K, Li, Z, Wang Y Q, Louati, A, Chen J. Privacy-preserving dynamic average consensus via state decomposition: case study on multi-robot formation control. Accepted to Automatica, 2021
  21.  Gao H*, Wang Y Q. Algorithm-level confidentiality for average consensus on time-varying directed graphs. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021
  22.  Sanders C*, Wang Y Q. Localizing Spoofing Attacks on Vehicular GPS Using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020
  23. Wang Z*, Wang Y Q. Global Synchronization of Pulse-Coupled Oscillator Networks Under Byzantine Attacks. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2020
  24. Wang Z*, Wang Y Q. An Attack-Resilient Pulse-Based Synchronization Strategy for General Connected Topologies. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper, 2020
  25. Wang Y Q. Privacy-Preserving Average Consensus via State Decomposition. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019
  26. Anglea T*, Wang Y Q. Decentralized Heading Control with Rate Constraints using Pulse-Coupled Oscillators. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2019
  27. Gao H*, Wang Y Q. On the Global Synchronization of Pulse-coupled Oscillators Interacting on Chain and Directed-Tree Graphs. Accepted to Automatica as a full paper, 2019
  28. Zhang C*, Wang Y Q. Sensor Network Event Localization via Non-convex Non-smooth ADMM and Augmented Lagrangian Methods. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2019
  29. Anglea T*, Wang Y Q. Pulse Coupled Synchronization with Guaranteed Clock Continuity. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2019
  30.  Zhang C*, Wang Y Q. ADMM based privacy-preserving decentralized optimization. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2019, 14(3): 565-580
  31.  Ruan M*, Gao H*, Wang Y Q. Secure and Privacy-Preserving Consensus. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper. 2018
  32.   Wang Z*, Wang Y Q. Attack-Resilient Pulse-Coupled Synchronization. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. 2018
  33.   Zhang C*, Wang Y Q. Enabling Privacy-preservation in Decentralized Optimization. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. 2018
  34.   Wang Z*, Wang Y Q. Pulse-Coupled Oscillators Resilient to Stealthy Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2018, 66(12): 3086 – 3099
  35.   Wang Y Q, Hespanha J. Distributed Estimation of Power System Oscillation Modes under Attacks on GPS Clocks. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2018, 67(7): 1626-1637
  36.   Gao H*, Wang Y Q.  A Pulse Based Integrated Communication and Control Design for Decentralized Collective Motion Coordination. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2018, 63(6): 1858-1864
  37.  Zhang C*, Wang Y Q.  Distributed event localization via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 2018, 17(2): 348-361
  38.  Gao H*, Wang Y Q.  On Phase Response Function based Decentralized Phase Desynchronization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2017, 65(21): 5564 – 5577.
  39.  Ferrante F**, Wang Y Q.  Robust almost global splay state stabilization of pulse coupled oscillators. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, 62(6): 3083 – 3090.
  40.  Wang Y Q, Mosal K*, Nunez F*, Deligeorges S, Doyle F. A kernel module for pulse-coupled time synchronization of sensor networks. Computer Networks, 2017, 127(11):161-172.
  41.  Anglea T*, Wang Y Q. Phase desynchronization: a new approach and theory using pulse-based interaction. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2017, 65(5):1160-1171.
  42.  Nunez F*, Wang Y Q, Doyle F. Synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators on (strongly) connected graphs. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, 60(6):1710-1715.
  43.  Wang Y Q, Hori Y*, Hara S, Doyle F. Collective oscillation period of inter-coupled biological negative cyclic feedback oscillators. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, 60(5):1392-1397.
  44.  Nunez F*, Wang Y Q, Doyle F. Global synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators interacting on cycle graphs. Automatica, 2015, 52(2):202-209.
  45.  Wang Y Q, Hori Y, Hara S, Doyle F. Inter-cellular delay regulates the collective period of repressively coupled gene regulatory oscillator networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2014, 59(1):211-216.
  46.   Wang Y Q, Nunez F, Doyle F. Statistical analysis of the pulse-coupled synchronization strategy for wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2013, 61(21):5193-5204.
  47.  Wang Y Q, Doyle F. The influence of global cues and local coupling on the rate of synchronization in the presence of time delays. Automatica, 2013, 49(6):1838-1845.
  48.  Wang Y Q, Doyle F. Exponential Synchronization Rate of Kuramoto Oscillators in the Presence of a Pacemaker. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013, 58(4)9889-9894.
  49.  Wang Y Q, Nunez F, Doyle F. Increasing sync rate of pulse-coupled oscillators via phase response function design: theory and application to wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2013, 21(4):1455-1462.
  50.  Wang Y Q, Nunez F, Doyle F. Energy-efficient pulse-coupled synchronization strategy design for wireless sensor networks through reduced idle listening. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2012, 60(10):5293-5306.
  51.  Wang Y Q, Doyle F. Optimal phase response functions for fast pulse-coupled synchronization in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2012, 60(10):5583-5588.
  52.  Wang Y Q, Doyle F. On influences of global and local cues on the rate of synchronization of oscillator networks. Automatica, 2011, 47(6):1236-1242.
  53.  Wang Y Q, Ye H, Ding S X, Wang G Z, Zhou D H. Residual generation and evaluation of networked control systems subject to random packet dropout. Automatica, 2009, 45(10):2427-2434.
  54.  Cheng Y, H. Ye, Wang Y Q, Zhou DH. Unbiased minimum-variance state estimation for linear systems with unknown input. Automatica, 2009, 45(2):485-491.
  55.  Wang Y Q, Ding S X, Ye H, Wang G Z. A new fault detection scheme for networked control systems subject to uncertain time varying delay. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2008, 56(10):5258-5268.