
The PHASE lab strives to develop innovative solutions to support individuals through all phases of life. This includes adults who are recovering from an injury, improving athlete’s performance, supporting the aging process, and many others. 

Using biomechanics principles, motor learning training techniques, and assistive devices we are committed to improving mobility across the lifespan and across various levels of physical capabilities. 

Previous projects have included investigating fall prevention training techniques, understanding prosthetic knee and terrain effects on gait among lower limb amputees, exploring the use of exoskeleton devices for workers and individuals with spinal cord injury, marathon racing with the use of exoskeleton devices, and balance training using techniques in sports. 

Fun fact: The inspiration for the name “PHASE Lab” name stems from Dr. Aviles’ initial research interests investigating the gait phase (a common biomechanics principle) among individuals with varying physical capabilities. Now, the PHASE lab stands as a reminder that individuals encounter several phases throughout their lives and the goal of this lab is to support the mobility needs of people throughout these phases.