Professional Service


  • Fellow, IEEE,2020.
  • Fellow of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), 2021.
  • Member IEEE PES – Power System Analysis Computation and Economics (PSACE) Committee; Past Chair, Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee.
  • Past Chair IEEE PES – Power and Energy Education Committee; Past Chair, Lifelong Learning Subcommittee.
  • Member of the Power System Relaying and Control Committee (PSRC) and member of the following Working Groups PSRC:


I have made technical contributions to the following Working Groups (WGs) of IEEE PES Power System Relaying and Control Committee (PSRC) as WG member. PSRC is responsible for all IEEE standards and development activities within the USA in the field of power system protection.

Completed Documents:

  • Relay Engineering in Power Engineering Curricula – IEEE Power System Relaying Committee (PSRC), “The Education and Training of Future Protection Engineers: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 24-2, pp. 538 – 544, April 2009.
  • Performance of Relaying During Stressed Conditions – IEEE PSRC Report, 2008. Available online:
  • Understanding Microprocessor-Based Technology Applied to Relaying – IEEE PSRC Report, 2009. Available online:
  • Use of Time Synchrophasor Measurements in Protective Relaying Applications – IEEE PSRC Report. Available online: – Best WG award, PSRC, 2015.
  • IEEE Guide for the Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks, in IEEE Std C37.99-2012 (Revision of IEEE Std C37.99-2000), March 2013, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2013.6482148.
  • Communications Technology for Protection Systems – IEEE PSRC Report. Available online:
  • Fault Current Contribution from Wind Plants – IEEE PSRC/Machinery/T&D Committees Report, 2016. Available online: WG award, PSRC, 2016.
  • Anomaly Checks for Relay SettingGS, IEEE PSRC Report, 2011. Available online:
  • Centralized Substation Protection and Control, IEEE PSRC Report, 2015. Available online:
  • “IEEE Guide for Determining Fault Location on AC Transmission and Distribution Lines,” in IEEE Std C37.114-2014 (Revision of IEEE Std C37.114-2004) , Jan. 2015, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2015.7024095.
  • Working Group C2 – The Role of Protective Relaying in Smart Grid, IEEE PSRC Report, 2017. Online available:
  • Working Group C30 – Microgrid Protection Systems, IEEE PSRC Report, 2019. Online available:
  • Application of Out-of-Step Protection Schemes for Generators, IEEE PSRC Report, 2020. Online available:
  • Modification of Commercial Fault Calculation Programs for Wind Turbine Generators, IEEE PSRC Report, 2020. – I chaired this WG. Online available:
  • Protection Challenges and Practices for Interconnecting Inverter Based Resources to Utility Transmission Systems, IEEE PSRC Report, 2020. Online available:
  • Protection of Wind Electric Plants, IEEE PSRC Report, 2022. Available online:
  • C37.104 – IEEE Guide for Automatic Reclosing on AC Distribution and Transmission Lines “IEEE Guide for Automatic Reclosing on AC Distribution and Transmission Lines,” in IEEE Std C37.104-2022, April 2022, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2022.9765404..

Ongoing Documents:

  • Working Group C38: P2030.12 – IEEE Guide for the Design of Microgrid Protection Systems.
  • Working Group C43 – Practical   Applications   of Artificial Intelligence   and Machine Learning in Power  System  Protection and Control.
  • Working Group C44 – Prepare a journal paper on Short Circuit Models of Wind Turbine Generators. I chair this WG.
  • Working Group C45 – Protection and Short Circuit Modeling of Systems with High Penetration of Inverter Based Resources.



  • Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2014-2020.
  • Guest Editor-in-Chief, Special Issue of Frontiers in power System Protection, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 31-4, Aug. 2016.
  • Served on Guest Editorial Board of Special Issue on Innovative Research Concepts for Power Delivery Engineering from IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery – 2016-17.
  • Reviewer for IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, EEE Trans. Energy Conversion, Electric Power System Research (EPSR), European Transactions on Power Systems, and IET Generation Transmission Distribution, major IEEE PES conferences – The General Meeting (GM), Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT).
  • Participated in multiple National Science Foundation panel reviews.