
SUSTAINABLE CLEAN ENERGY LABORATORY (SCEL) is under the leadership of Prof. Jianhua “Joshua” Tong in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Clemson University. SCEL’s FOCUSES are the creation, synthesis, understanding, and engineering of ENERGY MATERIALS (e.g., mixed oxides, conductive glasses, and nanocomposites) and the design, fabrication, demonstration, and modeling of ENERGY DEVICES (e.g., membrane reactors, fuel cells, electrolysis cells, solid state photoelectrochemical cells, thermochemical reactors, oxide catalysts, electrochemical sensors, solid state batteries, solid state supercapacitors, ionic memristors, and ionic transistors). SCEL’s METHODOLOGIES include machine learning, additive manufacturing (3D printing), laser processing, reactive sintering, electrochemical synthesis, polymer-derived synthesis, additive-assisted synthesis. SCEL’s APPLICATIONS are solar fuels production, sustainable ammonia synthesis, natural gas to value-added chemicals, carbon dioxide capture/utilization, biomass conversion, electrochemical sensing, organic waste to energy, nuclear isotope separation, nuclear waste management, flexible ceramics, nanoionics, high-temperature memories, AI materials, and bio-electrochemical materials …