
Current Courses

4. Spring 2018, MSE 3100, Introduction to Metals and Ceramics, TTh 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM.

3. Fall 2017, MSE 4130/6130, Noncrystalline Materials, TTh 12:30-13:45 PM.

2. Spring 2017, MSE 2410, Metrics Laboratory, W 2:30-5:15 PM and Th 2:00-4:45 PM.

1. Fall 2016, MSE 4130/6130, Noncrystalline Materials, TTh 12:30-13:45 PM.


Prior to Clemson

Spring 2014 and 2015, MTGN 498/598 (the Colorado School of Mines), Introduction to Solid State Ionics.