Intelligent Mobility Workshop

When: June 6 and 7, 2022

Where: 1240 Driftmier, University of Georgia (UGA) main campus, Athens, GA

Goals: (1) To review the annual progress made on the NSF award “CPS: DFG Joint: Medium: Collaborative Research: Perceptive Stochastic Coordination in Mass Platoons of Automated Vehicles” (see link 1, link 2 and link 3) and plan for the next year’s work among the four institutions involved, and (2) To build a larger collaboration with other institutions in the region (in particular with Clemson and Georgia Tech) on areas closely related to the topic of the CPS award, i.e., Cyber-Physical Networks for Coordinated Control and Communication with applications in Intelligent Mobility.


Day 1 (Monday, June 6, 2022)

9:15 – 10: Breakfast (catered) and networking

10 – 10:15: Opening remarks (Javad Velni) and quick introduction of the participants

10:15 – 1:00: Each PI will give a talk about 20 minutes (as well as a 5 minutes Q&A) describing their group’s research in general terms. First group of talks by: Sophie Wang (Clemson), Yongxin Chen (Georgia Tech), Umesh Vaidya (Clemson), Herbert Werner (Hamburg), and WenZhan Song (UGA). There will be a 10 minutes coffee break in the middle of the first group of talks (around 11:45).

1 – 2 pm: Lunch (catered)

2 – 3:30 pm: Second group of talks and Q&A: Yaser Fallah (UCF), Hannes Frey (Koblenz), and Pierluigi Pisu (Clemson)

3:30 – 3:45: Break

3:45 – 5:00: Tour of the UGA campus

5 – 6 pm: Synergy and collaboration opportunities

6 – 7 pm: Dinner (catered)

Additional important information: To get to the closest parking garage, please use Carlton Street Parking (Deck S15) located at 125 Smith St, Athens, GA 30602. Please park there, and make sure to keep the ticket as you leave the garage. You will be provided a parking pass. To get to the Driftmier building, please put the address 597 D. W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602 in your GPS. The Zoom participants will be emailed an Zoom link to connect.

Day 2 (Tuesday, June 7, 2022)

Ten talks by graduate students involved in the CPS project were delivered as follows.

Morning talks and discussions (9:15 – 12)

Talk 1 by Christian Hespe (Hamburg): Suboptimal controller synthesis for multi-agent systems subject to stochastic packet loss

Talk 2 by Hamideh Saadabadi (Hamburg): TBA

Talk 3 by Adwait Datar (Hamburg): Control architectures in distributed control of mobile robots with stability and performance guarantee

Talk 4 by Daniel Schneider (Koblenz): Using RSSI measurements for controlling and determining wireless networks structures

Talk 5 by Sahand Mosharafian (UGA): Leveraging autonomous vehicles in mixed-autonomy traffic networks

Lunch: 12 — 2 pm

Afternoon talks and discussions (2 – 5 pm)

Talk 6 by Hao Zhen (UGA): Eco-driving trajectory planning of a heterogeneous platoon in urban environments

Talk 7 by Shahriar Shahram (UCF): Driver messenger system: A situational awareness messenger system via driver-to-driver communication

Talk 8 by Arash Raftari (UCF): Vehicular trajectory prediction using context-aware Gaussian mixture models

Talk 9 by Rodolfo Valiente Romero (UCF): Social coordination and altruism in cooperative autonomous driving

Talk 10 by Mahdi Razzaghpour (UCF): Model-based communication for cooperative adaptive cruise control

Adjourn at 5 pm

Few pictures taken during the workshop can be found here.