
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”-Albert Einstein

Undergraduate Classes

  • CE2060-Structural Mechanics
  • CE2900-Springer II (NSF-RED course)
  • CE3210-Geotechnical Engineering
  • CE 4210/6210-Geotechnical Engineering Design (satisfies one of the two design requirements)
  • CE 4240/6240-Earth Slopes and Retaining Structures (design and analysis with STABLE and PLAXIS, satisfies one of the two design requirements)
  • CE 4250/6250-Soil-Structure Interaction (theory and application with ABAQUS and PLAXIS, satisfies one of the two design requirements)

Graduate Classes

  • CE 8010-Finite Element Analysis (theory and application with ANSYS, ABAQUS, and PLAXIS)
  • CE 8220-Foundation Engineering (design and analysis with LPILE, GROUP, and PLAXIS)
  • CE 8210-Advanced Soil Mechanics
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new” – Albert Einstein