Dr. Christopher Saski
Associate Professor, Plant and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University

Email: saski@clemson.edu
Phone: 864-656-0973
Research Website

Dr. Saski is a senior investigator on the CHOg2p project and has worked closely with Dr. Harcum on other CHO cell transcription analysis. Dr. Saski is responsible for the transcriptome data analysis for promotor activity analysis. Dr. Saski conducts chromatin analysis on the DNA obtained from bioreactor samples.

Dr. Cathy Wu
Director, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Professor of Computer & Information Sciences
University of Delaware

Email: wuc@udel.edu
Phone: 302-831-8869
Faculty Website

Dr. Wu is responsible for the bioinformatics program. Dr. Wu works with Dr. Gilmore to integrate the bioinformatics data with the sensor data into knowledge maps. Drs. Wu, Lee, Scott, Gilmore, and Saski synthesize the multiple data sets to inform decisions regarding identification of “stability” genes.