Dr. Linke Guo
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (2004-2008)
Master of Science (M.S.): University of Florida (2009-2011)
Ph.D.: University of Florida (2009-2014)
Associate Professor, Clemson University
WebPage: http://cecas.clemson.edu/~linkeg, Google Scholar
Ph.D. Students
- ChunChih Lin (Since Spring 2021)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Chang Gung University, Taiwan (2009-2013)
Master of Science (M.S.): National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2013-2015)
Area: IoT, Wireless Communication, 5G
- Jingjing Fu (Since Spring 2022)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Shandong University of Technology (2009-2013)
Master of Science (M.S.): Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014-2017)
Master of Science (M.S.): Clarkson University, USA (2018-2019)
Area: Federated Learning
WebPage: LinkedIn
- Chenxu Jiang (Since Spring 2022)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (2014-2018)
Master of Science (M.S.): University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (2018-2021)
Area: Wireless Sensing
- Gen Li (Since Fall 2022), Co-Advised with Dr. Xiaolong Ma (main adviser)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.): Wuhan Institute of Technology, China (2016-2020)
Master of Science (M.S.): University of Delaware, USA (2020-2022)
Area: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, AI Security
- Zhuoyang Wang (Since Fall 2024)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (2020-2024)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): University of Glasgow, UK (2020-2024)
Area: TBD
- Julia Boone (Since Spring 2025), Co-Advised with Dr. Fatemeh Afghah (main adviser)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Clemson University (2019-2022)
Area: 5G, Autonomous Systems
Master Students
- Timothy Ross
Bachelor of Science (B.S.): Clemson University (2021-2025)
Area: Autonomous System
Udergraduate Students
- Timothy Ross (Dec. 2024 -Now), NSF REU
- Daniel Pendelton (Mar. 2022 - May. 2023), NSF REU
- Jacob Humburg (Oct. 2020 - May 2021), NSF REU
- Jereme Crosby (Aug. 2020 - Dec. 2020), NSF REU
- Dylan Kensler (Jul. 2020 - Dec. 2020), NSF REU
- Dr. Sihan Yu (Ph.D. @ Clemson University, Graduated Aug. 2024)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Liaoning University (2009-2013)
Master of Engineering (M.E.): University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2013-2016)
Master of Science (M.S): Virginia Tech, USA (2016-2018)
Area: Cross-Technology Communication
Dissertation Title: Efficient and Secure Data Transmissions in Emerging Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Initial Employment: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rowan University
- Mr. Daniel Pendelton (Graduated May 2024), Master of Science
Bachelor of Science (B.S.): Clemson University (2018-2022)
Master Thesis: Multi-Domain Secure Ros2/Dds Networks For
Aerial And Ground Vehicle Communications.
Initial Employment: Unknown
- Mr. Anthony Chen (Graduated Aug. 2022), Master of Science
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): University of Texas Austin (2017-2021)
Master Thesis: An Evaluation of WiFi 802.11b Backscatter
Initial Employment: Ph.D. student, Auburn University
- Mr. Dylan Kensler (Graduated Aug. 2022), Master of Science
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Clemson University (2016-2020)
Master Thesis: Deep learning based Localization of ZigBee Interference Sources Using Channel State Information
Initial Employment: Unknown
- Dr. Pei Huang (Ph.D. @ Clemson University, Graduated Dec. 2021) Google Scholar
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): XiDian University (2011-2015); Master of Science (M.S.): Binghamton University (2015-2017)
Area: Biometric Authentication, Location Privacy in Crwodsensing, Differential Privacy
Dissertation Title: Secure Data Collection and Analysis in Smart Health Monitoring
Initial Employment: Research Scientist, Meta.
- Dr. Xiaonan Zhang (Ph.D. @ Clemson University, Graduated Jul. 2020) Google Scholar
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Beijing University of Chemical Technology (2008-2012); Master of Science (M.S.): Binghamton University (2015-2017)
Area: Mobile Data Offloading, Social Networks, Security issues in DSA system and Internet of Things
Dissertation Title: Enable Reliable and Secure Data Transmission in Resource-constrained Emerging Networks
Initial Employment: Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Florida State University
- Dr. Qi Jia (Ph.D. @ Binghamton University, Graduated May 2019) Google Scholar, Resume
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Beihang University (BHU) (2010-2014); Master of Science (M.S.): Binghamton University (2014-2017)
Area: Security and Privacy, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Wireless Network
Dissertation Title: Preserving Data And Model Privacy In Distributed System For Machine Learning Based Classifications
Initial Employment: Aetna, Senior Data Engineer
- Dr. Gaoqiang Zhuo (Ph.D. @ Binghamton University, Graduated May 2019) Google Scholar
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.): Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (2008-2012); Master of Science (M.S.): University of Agder (UiA) (2012-2014)
Area: Security and Privacy, Cloud Computing, Location-based Service, Machine Learning
Dissertation Title: Ensuring Security And Privacy For Cloud-Assisted Mobile Crowd Sensing
Initial Employment: Aetna, Senior Data Engineer; Current: Castlight Health, Data Engineer