Linke Guo
Linke Guo Ph.D., Associate Professor, SMIEEE
Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)
Address: 305 Flour Danial Engineering Innovation Building, Clemson, SC, 29634
Email: Tel: 864-656-2257

Research Interests

My current research interests include trustworthy AI for NextG wireless systems, mobile edge computing, Internet of Things (IoTs), federated learning, and wireless sensing.

Recent Publications


[Jan. 2025] Received a multi-million grant from Applied Research Associates (ARA).

[Dec. 2024] Two papers have been accepted to INFOCOM 2025! Congratulations to ChunChih!

[Nov. 2024] Dr. Guo is invited to serve as the TPC member of ACM SenSys 2025.

[Oct. 2024] Chenxu's SenSys paper ``Behaviors Speak More: Achieving User Authentication Leveraging Facial Activities via mmWave Sensing" has received "Best Paper Honorable Mention" at ACM SenSys 2024.

[Oct. 2024] Dr. Guo is invited to serve as the TPC member of ACM MobiSys 2025.

[Sep. 2024] One paper has been accepted to NeurIPS 2024.

[Sep. 2024] One paper has been accepted to ACM Sensys 2024. Congratulations to Chenxu!

[Sep. 2024] One paper has been accepted to IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland) 2025! Congratulations to Gen and ChunChih, who are the co-first authors!

[Jul. 2024] Received an NSF grant on supporting spectrum-efficient heterogeneous IoT (Project Link) as the PI together with Dr. Arigong at FAMU and Dr. Xiaonan Zhang at Florida State University.

[Jun. 2024] Received an NSF grant on achieving Sustainability in Computing via Computing Revitalization (Project Link) as a Co-PI together with Dr. Xiaolong Ma and Dr. Chao Fan.

[Jun. 2024] Congratulations to Sihan, who successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Well done, Dr. Yu!

[May. 2024] Congratulations to Sihan, who has accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position at Computer Science Department, Rowan University!

[May. 2024] One paper has been accepted to ICML 2024.

[Apr. 2024] Dr. Guo is invited to serve as the TPC member of ACM Sensys 2024.

[Mar. 2024] One paper has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2024! Congratulations to Sihan! Clemson News

[Feb. 2024] Received a Distinguished Best Paper Runner-up Award at MADWEB Workshop in NDSS 2024!

[Jan. 2024] One paper has been accepted to ICLR 2024!

[Dec. 2023] Dr. Guo is invited to serve on the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) as the Associate Editor.

[Dec. 2023] Received a 3-Year Sole PI grant from Army Research Office (ARO).

[Aug. 2023] Received an 1.2M NSF CCF Medium Core grant on Harmonious Federated Learning (Project Link) together with Dr. Xiaonan Zhang at Florida State University. Dr. Guo is the Lead PI. Clemson News

[Jul. 2023] One paper has been accepted to ACM CCS 2023!

[Jul. 2023] One paper has been accepted to ACM MobiHoc 2023!

[Mar. 2023] Dr. Guo is invited to serve as the TPC member of ACM CCS 23.

[Mar. 2023] Dr. Guo is invited to serve on the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) as the Associate Editor.

[Feb. 2023] One paper has been accepted to CVPR 2023!

[Nov. 2022] Received the grant from U.S. Army GVSC.

[More News...]

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