Pingshan Wang



Journal Publications

1.      P. Wang, and E. C. Kan, “High-speed Interconnects with underlayer orthogonal metal grids,” IEEE Trans. Advanced Packaging, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 497-507, 2004.

2.        P. Wang, W. Ni, N. C. Tien, and E. C. Kan, “High-Frequency Permalloy Permeability Extracted from Scattering-Parameters,” J. Appl. Physics, vol. 95, no. 11, pp. 7034-7036, 2004.

3.      P. Wang, G. Pei, and E. C. Kan, “Pulsed wave interconnects,” IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 453-463, 2004.

4.      P. Wang, N. C. Tien, and E. C. Kan, “Permalloy loaded transmission lines for high-speed interconnect applications,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 74-82, 2004.

5.      P. Wang, Z. Xu, J. A. Nation, S. Banna, and L. Schachter, “Symmetric and asymmetric mode interaction in high-power traveling-wave amplifier,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 28, no.6, pp. 2262-2271, 2000.

6.      S. Banna, L. Schachter, J. Nation, and P. Wang, Coupling of symmetric and asymmetric modes in a high-power, high-efficiency traveling-wave amplifier,” Physical Review E, vol 61, no.4, pp. 4445-4449, 2000.

7.      S. Banna, L. Schachter, J. Nation, and P. Wang, “The interaction of symmetric and asymmetric modes in a high-power traveling-wave amplifier, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Special Issue on High Power Microwaves, vol 28, no.3, pp. 798-811, 2000.

8.      P. Wang, Z. Xu, J. D. Ivers, J. A. Nation, S. Naqvi, and L. Schachter, “Efficient Operation of a high power X-band traveling wave tube amplifier,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 75, no.16, pp.2506-2508, 1999.

9.      P. Wang, F. Lei, H. Huang, Y. Gan, W. Wang, and B. Gu, “Generation of intense microwaves from a two-cavity image charge focusing relativistic klystron amplifier,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 80, no. 20, pp. 4594-4597, 1998.

10.  F. Meng, Z. Yang, H. Ma, B. Ju, W. Wu, and P. Wang, “Experimental studies on a 100 MW repetitive pulse ultra wide band radiation source,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams (in Chinese), vol. 10, no.2, 1998.

11.  D. Zhu, P. Wang and S. Liu, “The longitudinal self-bunch of intensely relativistic electron beam,” Journal of Intense Relativistic Electronics (in Chinese), vol. 27, no.8, p. 114, 1998.

12.  Wang Pingshan, H. Huang, Y. Gan, Z. Tao, “Confinement of electron beams by mesh arrays in a relativistic klystron amplifier,” Acta Physica Sinica (in Chinese), vol. 47, no.3, 1998.

13.  H. Huang, P. Wang, Y. Chen, “Influences of large coupling holes on the cavity parameters for klystron amplifiers,” Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in Chinese), vol.27, no.2, p.166, 1998.

14.  H. Huang, P. Wang, F. Lei, H. Cheng, Y. Gan, and W. Wang, “A Study on a L-band relativistic klystron amplifier,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams (in Chinese), vol.10, no.1, p. 135, 1998.

15.  H. Huang, P. Wang, F. Lei, and Y. Gan, “Research on input cavity of L-band relativistic klystron amplifiers,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams (in Chinese), vol.9, no.4, p. 573, 1997.

16.  L. Xia, P. Wang, H. Huang, Y. Cheng, “The experiment result of relativistic klystron at X-band with an annular intense beam,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams (in Chinese), vol.8, no.1, pp.1-6, 1996.

17.  P. Wang, H. Huang, Y. Lei, Z. Tao, Confinement of mesh arrays to relativistic annular beams and initial experimental results of the influences of the mesh array on beam bunching, Acta Physica Sinica (in Chinese),  vol. 45, no.6, 1996.

18.  Q. Wang Qingyuan, Z. Kui, C. Chen, K. Hu, Y. Chen, and P. Wang, “Multi-electron beam Cerenkov oscillator operating at mm wavelength,” Nucl. Instru. Method Phys. Res., vol. 349, 1994.

19.  P. Wang, J. Hu, K. Hu, “End effects and focusing ability of a double bifilar helix linear wiggler,” Nucl. Instru. Method Phys. Res., A331, pp. 731-735, 1993.

20.  Q. Wang, S. Yu, S. Liu, K. Hu, Y. Chen, and P. Wang, “First operation of a multi-electron-beam Cerenkov Free electron laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol 59, no. 19, pp. 2378-2380, 1991.

21.  P. Wang,  K. Hu, and Y. Su, “Theoretical analysis of Raman free electron laser experiment,” Acta Physica Sinica (in Chinese), vol. 40, no. 5, 1991.

22.  K. Hu, S. Huang, Y. Chen, S. Fu, P. Wang, and Z. Deng, “A Raman free electron laser experiment without axial magnetic field,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams (in Chinese), vol.2, no.2, 1990.

23.  P. Wang, K. Hu, S. Huang, S. Hu, and Y. Cheng, “Virtual cathode experiment on a high impedance, low current pulse-line accelerator,” International Journal of Infrared and millimeter waves, vol.11, no.12. pp. 1395-1398, 1990.

24.  P. Wang, K. Hu, Y. SU, and S. Huang,A novel virtual cathode oscillator experiment,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams (in Chinese), vol.2, no.4, 1990.

25.  P. Wang, K. Hu, J. Hu, Y. Yan, “Theoretical analysis of a free electron laser with linear electro-static wiggler,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams (in Chinese), vol.2, no.2, 1990.

26.  P. Wang, Y. Su, and K. Hu, “A double bifilar helix linear wiggler,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams (in Chinese), vol.1, no.2, 1989.


Conference Proceedings


1.      C. Song, S. Azimuudin, B. Lee, F. Harackiewicz, M. Yen, D. Ralu, A. Hoffman, P. Wang, “Microwave dielectric properties of on-chip liquid films,”  IEEE/NLM Life Science Systems & Applications Workshop,  2006, pp.102-103.

2.      S. Azeemuddin, A. Hoffmann, R. divan, M. Donahue, S. H. Chung, P. Wang, “High-frequency, Domain-wall Motion and Magnetization Rotation of Patterned Permalloy Films under External Magnetic Field Excitation,”  IEEE NANO 2006, (July 20, 2006).

3.      P. Wang and E. C. Kan, “Dispersion and resonance of on-chip interconnect lines with underlayer orthogonal metal grids,” the 12th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electrical Packaging, Oct. 2003, pp.111-114.

4.      P. Wang, V. S. Kaper, S. J. Richard, and E. C. Kan, “Transient analysis of nonlinear microwave circuits using small-signal scattering parameters,” 2003 IEEE RFIC Symp. Dig., Philadelphia, PA, pp. 361-364.

5.      P. Wang, N. C. Tien, and E. C. Kan, “Permalloy loaded transmission line for high-speed interconnects,” Proc. 2003 IEEE International Interconnect Conference, San Francisco, CA, pp. 159-161.

6.        P. Wang, W. Ni, N. C. Tien and E. C. Kan, “High-Frequency Permalloy Permeability Extracted from Scattering-Parameters,” (abstract) accepted by the 9th MMM-Intermag conference, Jan. 2004.

7.      E. C. Kan, Z. Liu, P. Wang, M. Kim, Y. N. Shen, "Design and technology of submillimeter autonomous microsystems: a real power viewpoint for functional module integration,” 2003 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, February 23-27, 2003, San Francisco, CA.

8.      E. C. Kan, Z. Liu, P. Wang, M. Kim, Y. N. Shen, and G. Pei "Si fleas: technology demonstration of functional modules in submillimeter autonomous microsystems ", Invited talk, Ninth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, Santa Clara, CA, Nov. 9-11, 2001.



1.      “A Radar Jammer,” China, 96119356.5, classified # 703. P. Wang, M. Wang, F. Meng, W. Wang, Z. Yang.


Last update 01/14/2007